The Within function determines if one geography is fully within another geography.


This function isn't compatible with all data platform connections. To check if your connection supports it, see Supported data platforms and feature compatibility.


Within(geography1, geography2)

The function has these arguments:

The Geography value which is potentially within (inside) the other Geography value
Can be a Point, a Line Segment, or Polygon
The Geography value that is potentially within (inside) the other Geography value


Within(Geography("POLYGON((1 1, 2 1, 2 2, 1 2, 1 1))"), Geography("POLYGON((0 0, 3 0, 3 3, 0 3, 0 0))"))

The function returns True.

Within([Centroid], [Coordinates])
Within(MakePoint(-73.985428, 40.748817), [Coordinates])

The first Within function determines if the Centroid of the polygon is within the polygon, while the second function determines if the Empire State Building ( -73.985428, 40.748817) is within the polygon.

Example of Within function, confirming that the centroid of a polygon is within it

Within([Coordinates], [Brooklyn])

The Within function determines if the values in the Coordinates column are within the boundaries of Brooklyn.

Example of Within function, determining if a location is in Brooklyn