The ListAggDistinct function joins multiple values from a column into a list (as a single text string). Each window of values within the column is aggregated into an separate list.
ListAggDistinct(value, [separator], [direction])
Function arguments:
column | (required) The column of values to be joined. |
separator | (optional) The separator to add between values. If no separator is specified, a comma is used. |
direction | (optional) The direction in which the list is sorted. Can be If no direction is specified, the values are sorted in ascending order. |
Example 1:
ListAggDistinct([Store Name])
A table contains a grouped Store State column. Outside the grouping, there are orders for stores within the state. ListAggDistinct is used to return a list of distinct store names within each state. When neither the separator or direction is specified, the distinct values in the output are separated by a comma and sorted in ascending order.
Example 2:
ListAggDistinct([Store Name], "-")
When a dash (-
) is specified as the separator, each distinct value in the output is separated by a dash.
Example 3:
ListAggDistinct([Store Name], "-", "desc")
When the direction is specified as desc
, the output is sorted in descending order.
Example 4:
ListAggDistinct([Store State], "\n")
When the newline character (\n
) is used as the separator argument, each value is displayed on its own line if Wrap text formatting is applied to the column.
Updated 9 months ago