Math functions

Math functions perform mathematical operations, including arithmetic, trigonometric, rounding, statistical, and logarithmic calculations.

AbsReturns the absolute value of a number.
AcosReturns the arccosine of an angle.
AsinReturns the arcsine of an angle.
AtanReturns the arctangent of an angle.
Atan2Returns the arctangent of a coordinate pair.
BinFixedCalculates the bin of a value among the specified number of identically-sized bins.
BinRangeCalculates the bin for a value using the specified lower bounds.
BitAndCalculates the bitwise AND of two numbers.
BitOrCalculates the bitwise OR of two numbers.
CeilingRounds the number up to the closest multiple of equal or greater value.
CosReturns the cosine of an angle.
CotReturns the cotangent of an angle.
DegreesConverts the angle measurement from radians to degrees.
DistanceGlobeCalculates the distance between two points on the globe, in kilometers.
DistancePlaneCalculates the distance between two points on a plane.
DivReturns the integer component of a division.
ExpReturns the mathematical constant e, or 2.71828.
FloorRounds the number down to the closest multiple of equal or lesser value.
GreatestReturns the largest value from a list.
IntRounds the integer down to the largest integer of lesser or equal value.
LeastReturns the smallest value from a list.
LnCalculates the natural logarithm of a number, log_e(n).
LogCalculates the logarithm of a number. Defaults to log_10(n).
ModReturns the remainder component of a division.
MRoundRounds the number down to the closest multiple of the specified number.
PiReturns the mathematical constant π, or 3.14159....
PowerCalculates the result of a number raised to the specified power.
RadiansConverts the angle measurement from degrees to radians.
RoundCalculates the number to the specified number of digits.
RoundDownRounds a number down to the specified number of digits or decimal places.
RoundUpRounds a number up to the specified number of digits or decimal places.
RowAvgCalculates the average value of a list of numbers.
SignCalculates the sign of a number. Returns -1 if negative, 1 if positive, or 0 if zero.
SinCalculates the sine of an angle.
SqrtCalculates the square root of a number.
TanCalculates the tangent of an angle.
TruncTruncates a number to the specified number of digits or decimal places.