The DateDiff function calculates the time difference between two dates.
DateDiff(unit, start, end)
The function has the following arguments:
- unit
- Required
- The unit to measure the difference.
- Can be one of “year”, "quarter", “month”, “week”, “day”, “hour”, “minute”, “second”, “millisecond”.
- start
- Required
- The starting date
- Note that the value must be a date. If the column is not in the appropriate format, use the Date function on the argument.
- end
- Required
- The ending date
- Note that the value must be a date. If the column is not in the appropriate format, use the Date function on the argument.
Sigma rounds the result to the nearest integer. If the ending date precedes the starting date, the output is a negative integer.
DateDiff(“day”, [Invoice Date], Today())
Returns the number of days between the date in the Invoice Date column and the current UTC date.
DateDiff("year", [Invoice Date], Date("2018-01-01")) = 8
Returns the number of years between the date in the Invoice Date column and January 1, 2018.
DateDiff("hour", [Ticket Date], Now()) = 103
Returns the number of hours between the date and time in the Ticket Date column and the current UTC date and time.
Updated 9 months ago
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