Set up write access

Set up write access to enable the use of features like input tables, warehouse views, materialization, and CSV upload.

To set up write access, configure your connection settings in Sigma, and ensure that Sigma has sufficient permissions in your data platform.

By design, the database destination that you configure for write access is not visible in the Sigma connection explorer pane. We recommend that you configure a separate database or a database and schema combination for write-access purposes.


If your organization uses OAuth with a Snowflake connection, see Configure OAuth with write access.

System and user requirements

  • Sigma must be granted appropriate permissions in your data platform.
  • You must be assigned the Admin account type.

Configure write access in Sigma

  1. Select Administration in the user menu at the top right of your screen.
  2. Select the Connections page from the left panel.
  3. To view the connection, click on an existing connection in the list.
  4. Click Edit.
  5. Under Write access, switch on Enable write access.
  6. Sigma requests additional information for write access; this information depends on the specifics of your data platform: Snowflake, BigQuery, PostgreSQL, Redshift, Databricks, AlloyDB, and MySQL.
  7. After completing the form, click Save.

Set up write access in Snowflake

To set up Sigma write access for a Snowflake connection,

  1. Specify a database and schema where Sigma writes.
    The Snowflake user who connects to Sigma must have a role granted the following privileges:

  2. To grant the necessary permissions in Snowflake, open your Snowflake instance and follow the steps below.

  3. Replace YOUR_DATABASE_NAME with the name of your database. Replace YOUR_SCHEMA with the name of the schema you'd like to grant permissions to. Replace YOUR_SIGMA_ROLE with the role you used to connect. If you connected using Snowflake Partner Connect, use PC_SIGMA_ROLE.

  4. Run the following SQL commands to grant privileges on the database to the role used by Sigma to connect:

    use warehouse <YOUR_SIGMA_WH>;
    use database <YOUR_DATABASE_NAME>;
    grant usage on database <YOUR_DATABASE_NAME> to role <YOUR_SIGMA_ROLE>;
  5. Run the following command for the schema you plan to access from Sigma:

    grant usage, 
          create table, 
          create view, 
          create stage 
    on schema <YOUR_SCHEMA> 
    to role <YOUR_SIGMA_ROLE>;