Get around in Sigma
Sigma home page
When you log in to Sigma you see your Home page. The following illustration and descriptions explain the main parts of the page. Some parts may be hidden depending on your user permissions.

- Search: Search for content in Sigma. See Search for files in your organization.
- Create New: Create content, based on your role, including:
- Workbook: Analyze data using a spreadsheet-style interface and create visualizations. See Workbooks overview.
- Data model: Collect, relate, transform, and model data to share with others. See Get started with data modeling (Beta).
- Dataset: Curate data to be shared with others. See Create and manage datasets.
- Custom SQL: Write SQL to run against the data warehouse. See Write custom SQL.
- CSV upload: Upload a CSV-formatted file to perform analysis within a workbook. See Upload CSV data.
- My Content:
- Home: This Home page.
- My Documents: A personal folder for you to save content that you create.
- Workspaces: A way to organize and share content with specific members or teams within your organization. Items placed in workspaces can be accessed by anyone who has permission to that workspace.
- Templates: Workbook templates shared with you. See Get started with workbook templates.
- Shared with Me: Items that others have shared directly with you.
- Favorites: Items that you have designated as a favorite.
- Trash: Deleted items.
- Connections (visible only to Administrators and Creators by default): The data warehouses and their tables that you can access. A single Sigma organization can have many connections, each configured with different levels of access, to be shared with members or teams. See Connect to data sources.
- Recents: Items you have recently accessed.
- Explore existing documents: Sigma lists documents that are relevant to you based on popularity, data lineage relevant to your work, and items endorsed by other users.
- Administration: Dedicated area for user management and other common configuration settings. Only shown to users granted the Admin account type. See Administer Sigma.
- User Profile: Your username initial that links to your profile, where you can make changes to your preferences and sign out. Other options may or may not be visible to you depending on your permissions.
- Help: Links to useful information, such as the documentation or access to Sigma Support live chat.
Updated 11 days ago
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