The RegexpReplace function searches a string for a pattern and replaces all matches with the replacement string. If no matches are found, the original string is returned.
RegexpReplace(string, pattern, replacement)
Function arguments:
- string (required): The string to search.
- pattern (required): The pattern to extract with.
- replacement (required): String to replace the sought pattern.
When the regular expression you want to use contains a slash, quotation or other special character, you will need to use a backslash (\) to escape the special character.
can vary based on the databases. Check the documentation of your database to find the correct syntax.
Example 1:
RegexpReplace([Product Name], "(\\d+) (\\d+mm)", "\\1-\\2")
Replaces every space between digits and digits preceding "mm" with a dash to indicate the range of camera lenses.
Example 2:
RegexpReplace([Phone Number], "(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})", "(\\1) \\2-\\3")
Transforms a phone number to (xxx) xxx-xxxx formatting.
Example 3:
RegexpReplace([City], "^(.*?),", "San Francisco,")
Replaces every character before the comma with the city in proper form.
Example 4:
RegexpReplace([Team], "[^a-zA-Z0-9\\s]", "")
Removes all punctuation marks in a string.
Example 5:
RegexpReplace([Text], "\\/", "&")
Replaces the slash with "&".
Updated about 1 year ago