Array functions

Array functions create, manage, and manipulate arrays (lists of indexed values).

ArrayReturns an array containing specified values.
ArrayContainsSearches for a specific value in an array. If the value is found, the function returns True, otherwise it returns False.
ArrayDistinctReturns the array without duplicate values.
ArrayIntersectionCompares two arrays and returns an array of all overlapping elements, without duplicates.
ArrayJoinJoins elements of an array into a single text string.
ArrayLengthDetermines the number of entries in an array, or list.
ArraySliceReturns a portion of an array, defined by the starting index and length.
SequenceReturns an arithmetic sequence as an array of integers based on a specified range and increment

The following aggregate functions also create arrays:

ArrayAggIdentifies non-null row values in a column or group and aggregates them into a single array.
ArrayAggDistinctIdentifies distinct non-null row values in a column or group and aggregates them into a single array.