Array functions
Array functions create, manage, and manipulate arrays (lists of indexed values).
Array | Returns an array containing specified values. |
ArrayContains | Searches for a specific value in an array. If the value is found, the function returns True , otherwise it returns False . |
ArrayDistinct | Returns the array without duplicate values. |
ArrayIntersection | Compares two arrays and returns an array of all overlapping elements, without duplicates. |
ArrayJoin | Joins elements of an array into a single text string. |
ArrayLength | Determines the number of entries in an array, or list. |
ArraySlice | Returns a portion of an array, defined by the starting index and length. |
Sequence | Returns an arithmetic sequence as an array of integers based on a specified range and increment |
The following aggregate functions also create arrays:
ArrayAgg | Identifies non-null row values in a column or group and aggregates them into a single array. |
ArrayAggDistinct | Identifies distinct non-null row values in a column or group and aggregates them into a single array. |
Updated 9 months ago