Truncates the input value to the specified number of digits or decimal places.


Trunc(number, [digits])

number (required) The number to be truncated

digits [optional] The number of decimal places to which to round. Defaults to 0.
If "digits" value is negative, the function will return an integer with that many least-significant digits zeroed (see example 4 below).


(1) Returns 5.24

Trunc(5.2463, 2)

(2) Returns 5.


(3) Truncates the value in each row of the input column to 3 decimal places.

Trunc([Cost], 3)

Screenshot showing an applied Trunc truncating the value of each row of the input column to 3 decimal places

(4) Rounds the input number down and replaces its last 2 digits with 0s. A negative "digits" value returns an integer with that many least-significant digits zeroed.

Trunc([Cost], -2)

Applied Trunc rounding the input down and replacing last two digits with zeroes