Test an embed URL in the embed sandbox

Sigma's embed sandbox environment allows you to test your embed URL before integrating the content into the host application. View the content from the embed user's perspective to verify security settings and other configurations.

This document explains how to access and use the embed sandbox to develop and test your secure embed.

System and user requirements

  • Secure embedding must be enabled for your organization. If the feature is disabled, contact Support or reach out to your Account Executive.
  • You must be assigned the Admin account type.

Access the embed sandbox

  1. Open the workbook containing an existing embed path, or create a new one.

  2. In the workbook header, click the caret () associated with the workbook’s name.

  3. In the workbook menu, select Embedding.

  4. In the Embed workbook modal, select the Secure tab.

  5. Locate the embed path of the content you want to test, then click Test to open the embed sandbox.

Configure the embed

  1. In the Embed Sandbox page, configure the embed details in the Configure embed panel.

  2. Set the parameters in the Configuration section of the Configure embed panel:

    • (optional) In the Controls field, enter all control ID and value pairs to pass through to the embed. For example, to set a compass directional control with the control ID compass-control to the value North, enter the control ID and value pair compass-control=North.

    • (optional) In the Theme field, select any default or custom workbook theme saved to your organization.

    • (optional) In the Menu position field, select the position of the embed menu.

    • In the Mode field, select the Secure option. If supporting a deprecated embed environment, select the Application (Legacy) option.

  3. Set the parameters in the Options for selected mode section of the Configure embed panel:

    • In the Embed user teams field, select a saved Sigma team to inherit its permissions.

    • In the Email field, enter the email address associated with the embed user's account.

    • In the Account type field, select an available default or custom account type saved to your organization.

    • (optional) In the User attributes field, enter all user attributes and values to pass through to the embed.

    • (optional) Toggle the Hide folder navigation switch to the "on" position to hide the folder navigation in the embed menu, or toggle it to the "off" position to display it.

    • (optional) Toggle the Hide run as recipient switch to the "on" position to hide the Run queries as recipient option in the Send Now and Schedule Exports modals , or toggle it to the "off" position to display it.

  4. Set the parameters in the Advanced options section of the Configure embed panel:

    • (optional) In the Other parameters field, enter additional key-value pairs for additional parameters you want to configure in the embed.

    • In the Session length field, enter the duration (in seconds) of the embed URL's browser session validity.

    • In the External user ID field, enter the unique identifier of each individual to use the embed.

    • (optional) In the Version tag field, enter the name of the version tag to use when rendering the embedded content.

    • (optional) Toggle the Hide tooltips switch to the "on" position to hide chart mark tooltips, or toggle it to the off position to display them.

    • (optional) Toggle the Disable mobile view switch to the "on" position to disable mobile view, or toggle it to the "off" position to enable it.

  5. Click Load embed to test the configured embed.

    If necessary, adjust the configurations, then click Load embed again to render the changes.


    If the sandbox displays a message indicating you don't have permission to access the page, ensure the workbook is shared with the team selected in the Embed user teams field.

View the embed URL

The embed sandbox can generate the embed URL for inspection and additional testing outside of Sigma.

  1. After you load the embed, the Configure embed panel footer displays a View URL function. Click this option to generate the embed URL with the configured parameters.

  2. To generate a one-time-use URL to test in a browser or application code, click Usable URL. The URL is automatically copied to your clipboard.