The CallText function sends a request to execute a warehouse function that returns a text value. This is often used to extract and display numbers in a more readable format or to join digits with text or symbols.
CallText(function_name, argument)
Function arguments:
function name | The warehouse function to call. |
argument | One or more arguments to pass to the warehouse function. |
All arguments must meet the warehouse function’s input requirements. Unsupported arguments result in an invalid formula.
A table contains a Revenue column that provides restaurant revenue data as a number value. Using the CallText function, you can execute Snowflake's TO_CHAR function to extract digits and preserve the number format when combining Revenue and Currency values into a single text string.
Concat("$", CallText("TO_CHAR", [Revenue], "999,999,999,999.00"), " ", [Currency])
Returns the Revenue value as a text string and preserves the number format (999,999.999.00) upon text conversion.

Updated 10 months ago