Working with pivot tables

With Sigma, you can format a table as a pivot table to more easily group and summarize your data. Use a pivot table to present your data in two dimensions, automatically summarize your data based on groups, and view your data in various hierarchies.


  • To create or edit a data element, you must have Can Edit access to the individual workbook.
  • Some exploratory actions are also supported with Can Explore access.

For more details, see Folder and Document Permissions.

Create a pivot table

You can create a pivot table from an existing data element, or by selecting Add element. For more details, see Create a data element.

A pivot table does not display data until you define the table columns to use as pivot rows and/or pivot columns. Configure the following properties in the Element properties tab:

  • Pivot rows: Select one or more columns from your table to appear as rows in the pivot table. For example, to summarize total cost for product type, add the product type column as a Pivot row.

    Pivot table with only product type column as a row

  • Pivot columns: Optional if you define one or more pivot rows. Select one or more columns to split the values in each row. For example, to summarize the total cost for each product type in each store region, add the store region column as a pivot column.

    Pivot table showing product type as the row and store region as the column

  • Values: Select one or more columns to display the values for each pivot row and column. Columns added to Values are aggregated by default and the type of aggregation used depends on the data type of the original column. For example, add the cost column as a value, and leave the default aggregation of Sum, or adjust it by rounding. See Change the aggregation of values.

    Pivot table with product type as a row, store region as columns, and sum of cost as the value.

Pivot table formatting and customization options

You can customize the formatting and presentation of a pivot table in many ways.

Before you start: This task requires editing elements. You can edit an element from either Explore or Edit mode. See Workbook modes.

  1. Select Element format in the side navigation.
  2. Click a format category to view and edit its settings.

The following format categories are available for pivot tables:

You can also format pivot table columns. See Format pivot table columns.

Empty cell display value

If you have empty values in a pivot table, you can specify a value to fill the empty cells.

  1. Select a pivot table element while in Edit or Explore mode.
  2. Select Element format in the side navigation.
  3. Click Format.
  4. For Empty cell display value, enter a value.
Selected optionExample
DefaultPivot table with two columns of pivot rows, with the higher level row group showing once for each group, and the lower level row group showing repeated within each higher level row group.
Empty cell display valuePivot table with two columns of pivot rows, with the higher level row group showing once for each table row,

Repeat row labels

If you have multiple pivot rows defined, and you choose to display the pivot row groupings as separate columns, you can repeat the row labels:

  1. Select a pivot table element while in Edit or Explore mode.
  2. Select Element format in the side navigation.
  3. Click Format.
  4. For Repeat row labels, select the checkbox.
Selected optionExample
DefaultPivot table with product type and product family as pivot rows, store region as pivot columns, and sum of cost as the values in the table. The pivot table rows display in separate columns, and the leftmost product type is listed once for each grouping.
Repeat row labelsSame pivot table, but the leftmost product type is now listed once for each row of the pivot table, instead of once for each grouping.

Format pivot table columns

The following column formatting options are available:

Apply basic visual column formatting

To change the alignment, font color, or background color of values in a column:

  1. Select the column or cell that you want to format.
  2. To set the background color, select Fill color in the formula bar.
  3. To set the font color, select Text color in the formula bar.
  4. To set the alignment of the data, select Alignment in the formula bar.

Apply conditional formatting

You can apply conditional formatting to the columns, rows, and values in a pivot table.

Before you start: This task requires editing elements. You can edit an element from either Explore or Edit mode. See Workbook modes.

  1. Select the element.

  2. Select Element format in the side navigation.

  3. Click Conditional formatting.

  4. Click + Add rule.

  5. Customize the rule:

    • Choose a column to apply the formatting to
    • Choose whether to use a single color, color scale, or add data bars to cells
    • Select checkboxes to apply the formatting to values, subtotals, or grand totals.

    Conditional formatting options

Change data presentation in a pivot table

While most complex data transformations for a pivot table should occur in the flattened source table, you can manipulate the presentation of data in a pivot table in several ways:


These tasks requires editing elements. You can edit an element from either Explore or Edit mode. See Workbook modes.

Change the aggregation of values

When you add a data column to a pivot table’s Values field, the values are automatically aggregated according to the data type. Numeric columns are aggregated by Sum, while text and date columns are aggregated by Count.

To change a column's aggregation:

  1. In the editor panel, hover over the column, and click its caret (caret icon).
    The column menu opens.
  2. From the Set aggregate submenu, select a new aggregate.
    Sum of Cost column details menu opened, showing Set aggregate options of Sum, Avg, Median, Percentile, Min, Max, First, Last, Count, and CountDistinct.

Add a calculated column to a pivot table

Add a calculated column to a pivot table to perform a calculation that repeats across the pivot, such as a percentage of total or a period-over-period analysis.

  1. Select the pivot table element.

  2. In the Values section, select + > Add new column.
    A new column titled Calc appears and the focus changes to the formula bar.

  3. Enter a formula for the calculated column, then press Enter on your keyboard or select the checkmark to save.

    Formula for a calculated column using the PercentOfTotal formula on the Sum(Cost) source column.

Swap pivot columns and rows

You can change the layout of your pivot table and swap rows with columns:

  1. Select the pivot table element.

  2. In the editor panel, next to the Pivot rows header, click Swap rows with columns.

    Pivot table with swap rows with columns option highlighted, with product type listed as pivot rows and store regions as pivot columns.

    Pivot table rows are swapped with columns.

    Pivot table from earlier examples, with store regions listed as pivot rows and product type as pivot columns.

Display multiple pivot rows as separate columns

When you have multiple pivot rows, you can choose to display the data combined in one column, or as separate columns.

After adding a second data column as a pivot row, select Display as separate columns. To change the display back, select Display as a single column:

Selected optionExample
Display as a single columnPivot table with product type and product family as one pivot row column called Product Type / Product Family, with the values of the row column nested.
Display as separate columnsPivot table with product type and product family as separate pivot row columns, one called Product Type and the other called Product Family.

Collapse grouped rows and columns

If your pivot table has at least two data columns added as Pivot rows or Pivot columns, you can expand and collapse the rows and columns. To do so, click + or - next to the value of a pivot table row, column, or cell header.

Gif showing a pivot table with multiple rows and columns being collapsed with the - option.

Define values hierarchy in a pivot table

If you have multiple values in your pivot table, you can define the hierarchy of data columns, values, and rows to reflect the data summaries that you want to display.

To structure the hierarchy of values in your pivot table:

  1. Select the pivot table element.

  2. Add at least two columns as Values.

    A box labeled Values appears under Pivot columns:
    Image highlighting the values box as described.

  3. To change the default hierarchy, drag and drop the Values box to another position under Pivot columns or to Pivot rows.
    Image highlighting the available locations for the values box as described.

The data presentation changes based on the location of the values:

Values locationExample
Default, below pivot columns.Pivot table with Round of Sum Cost column and Sum of Quantity data columns showing under each Store Region pivot column.
Above pivot columns.Pivot table with Round of Sum Cost data column, with each Store Region column value listed below, and Sum of Quantity column is next to Round of Sum Cost with Store Region columns as well.
Below pivot rows.Pivot table with Product Type and Product Family pivot rows, and for each product family there is a sum of cost and sum of quantity row.
Above pivot rows.Pivot table with Round of Sum of Quantity row, with product type and product family listed next to and below it. Round of sum cost values are offscreen.

Maximize a pivot table to view the flattened table

When viewing, exploring, or editing a workbook, all data elements are minimized by default to display multiple elements in the canvas. You can maximize any data element to focus on its details and explore the underlying data.

Select Maximize element, or press the space bar on your keyboard with an element selected, to view the underlying data.

When you maximize a pivot table, it expands to the full width of the workbook page and displays the underlying flattened data table. Because the element and underlying data are inherently linked, changes applied to one are automatically reflected in the other.


Data elements can be maximized in any workbook mode (View, Explore, or Edit), but changes can be made in Explore and Edit modes only.