Text functions
Text functions evaluate or manipulate string data to perform operations like text modification, formatting, and extraction.
Concat | Combines multiple strings into a single text value. |
Contains | Searches for a specified substring in a text value. If the substring is found, the function returns True , otherwise it returns False . |
EndsWith | Determines if a text value ends with a specified substring. If the substring is found at the end of the text value, the function returns True , otherwise it returns False . |
Find | Returns the index where it first finds the specified substring within a string. Returns 0 if not found. |
ILike | Returns True if the string matches the pattern. Case insensitive. |
Left | Returns the left portion of the string (the beginning), up to specified number of characters. |
Len | Returns the number of characters in a string, including spaces. |
Like | Returns True if the string value matches the pattern. Case sensitive. |
LPad | Sets the string to a desired length by adding or removing characters at the front. Uses an optional fill character or defaults to extra spaces. |
Lower | Converts a string to all lower case. |
LTrim | Removes leading spaces from a string. |
MD5 | Calculates the hash value of a string for the MD5 message-digest algorithm (hashing function). |
Mid | Returns a substring from a string, defined by offset and length. Same as Substring. |
Proper | Converts text to proper case, capitalizing the first letter of each word. |
RegexpExtract | Returns the substring that matches a regular expression within a string. |
RegexpMatch | Returns True if a string matches a regular expression. |
RegexpReplace | Returns a string for a pattern and replaces it with a specified string. |
Repeat | Returns the result of repeating the string a specified number of times. |
Replace | Replaces every instance of a specified string with a replacement string. |
Reverse | Reverses the order of characters in a string. |
Right | Returns the right portion of a string (the end), up to the specified number of characters. |
RPad | Sets the string to a desired length by adding or removing characters at the end. Uses an optional fill character, or defaults to extra spaces. |
RTrim | Removes trailing spaces from the end of a string. |
SHA256 | Transforms text input into a 256-bit hash value. |
SplitPart | Splits the string into multiple parts at the positions of each appearance of the delimiter and returns the nth part of the string at the specified position. |
StartsWith | Determines if a string starts with the specified substring. Returns True or False . |
Substring | Returns a substring from a string, defined by offset and length. Same as Mid. |
Trim | Removes both leading and trailing spaces from a string. |
Upper | Converts a string to upper case (all capital letters). |
Updated 9 months ago