Text functions

Text functions evaluate or manipulate string data to perform operations like text modification, formatting, and extraction.

ConcatCombines multiple strings into a single text value.
ContainsSearches for a specified substring in a text value. If the substring is found, the function returns True, otherwise it returns False.
EndsWithDetermines if a text value ends with a specified substring. If the substring is found at the end of the text value, the function returns True, otherwise it returns False.
FindReturns the index where it first finds the specified substring within a string. Returns 0 if not found.
ILikeReturns True if the string matches the pattern. Case insensitive.
LeftReturns the left portion of the string (the beginning), up to specified number of characters.
LenReturns the number of characters in a string, including spaces.
LikeReturns True if the string value matches the pattern. Case sensitive.
LPadSets the string to a desired length by adding or removing characters at the front. Uses an optional fill character or defaults to extra spaces.
LowerConverts a string to all lower case.
LTrimRemoves leading spaces from a string.
MD5Calculates the hash value of a string for the MD5 message-digest algorithm (hashing function).
MidReturns a substring from a string, defined by offset and length. Same as Substring.
ProperConverts text to proper case, capitalizing the first letter of each word.
RegexpExtractReturns the substring that matches a regular expression within a string.
RegexpMatchReturns True if a string matches a regular expression.
RegexpReplaceReturns a string for a pattern and replaces it with a specified string.
RepeatReturns the result of repeating the string a specified number of times.
ReplaceReplaces every instance of a specified string with a replacement string.
ReverseReverses the order of characters in a string.
RightReturns the right portion of a string (the end), up to the specified number of characters.
RPadSets the string to a desired length by adding or removing characters at the end. Uses an optional fill character, or defaults to extra spaces.
RTrimRemoves trailing spaces from the end of a string.
SHA256Transforms text input into a 256-bit hash value.
SplitPartSplits the string into multiple parts at the positions of each appearance of the delimiter and returns the nth part of the string at the specified position.
StartsWithDetermines if a string starts with the specified substring. Returns True or False.
SubstringReturns a substring from a string, defined by offset and length. Same as Mid.
TrimRemoves both leading and trailing spaces from a string.
UpperConverts a string to upper case (all capital letters).