The ArrayJoin function joins elements of an array into a single text string.


This function isn't compatible with all data platform connections. To check if your connection supports it, see Supported data platforms and feature compatibility.


ArrayJoin(array, [separator], [nullReplacement])

Function arguments:


An array containing elements to join into a single text string.

  • If you reference a column, it must be a variant column containing data structured as a JSON array (for example, [“red”, “blue”, “yellow”]). Other column types or data structured as JSON objects return null values.

[optional] A character or string to return between joined elements.

  • If unspecified, Sigma applies a comma without spaces by default.

[optional] A character or string to replace elements with null values.

  • If unspecified, Sigma omits null values by default


  • Nested JSON arrays or objects in the array arguments are converted into text strings using your data platform’s JSON-to-text method. This can impact the nested JSON structure, key-value pair order, and white space (like spaces, tabs, and line breaks).

  • If any argument is null, the function returns null.


Example 1

ArrayJoin([JSON array], “, ”)

Returns a single text string containing each non-null element from the JSON array column separated by a comma and a space.

Example 2

ArrayJoin(Array(“red”, null, “blue”, “yellow”), “ or ”, “*”)

Returns red or * or blue or yellow.

Example 3

ArrayJoin(Json('[[1,"a"], {"b":2}, "c", 3]'), ";")

Returns [1,"a"];{"b":2};c;3.