Guest User Accounts

Guest user accounts are password authenticated and allow you to enforce strictly limited access to your organization. Among other security-based limitations, guest users cannot view or request access to content outside of their Admin-assigned team(s).

This feature is opt-in and must be enabled by an organization Admin before guest users can be invited to your organization.

Guest user accounts are recommended when working with external vendors.


Guest User Permissions

Guest users can be assigned to any non-Admin account type.

Guest accounts are unique in that they only have access to workspaces associated with teams to which they are assigned. Unlike standard users:

  • they do not have access to the organization’s All Members workspace, and
  • they will not automatically get access to folders and documents shared with All Members
  • they cannot request access to documents
  • they can only interact with organization members who are assigned to the same team(s)
  • they cannot access Sigma’s developer API

All non-Viewer guest users automatically have access to Sigma's Sample Connection.

Guest User Authentication

Guest user accounts are always password authenticated, regardless of whether the organization uses an identity provider (e.g. Okta, Azure) for other users.

If desired, you can enable two-factor email authentication for all password authenticated users.

If your organization transitions to SCIM for team and user provisioning, guest user accounts will no longer work and they will be unable to log in to Sigma.

Allow Guest Users Accounts in Your Organization

  1. Open your Admin Portal.
  2. Click Authentication to open the authentication page.
  3. Click the Authentication Method & Options section’s Edit button.Screen_Shot_2021-12-16_at_11.15.26_AM.png
  4. Click the Allow Guest Access switch toggle.
  5. [optional]  If you want to enable Two-factor Authentication for guest users, and all other password authenticated users, click the 2-Factor Authentication Required switch.
  6. Click the section’s Save button.Screen_Shot_2021-12-16_at_11.17.17_AM.png

Invite a Guest User to Your Organization

  1. Click your profile icon, located in the top right corner of the screen, to open the user menu.
  2. In the menu, select Invite Users.
    You will be redirected to the Invite People to Use Sigma modal, located on the People page in your Admin Portal.
  3. Type the email address of the person you would like to invite under Enter Email Address.
    If you are inviting multiple users, type each address separated by commas.
  4. Check the Invite as Guest Users checkbox.
  5. Select an account type from the Select Account Type menu.
  6. [optional] Under Add a custom message, enter a message to include in the emailed invitation.
  7. Select one or more teams from the Assign Teams list.
    Note: Guest users will only have access to workspaces associated with their assigned team(s).
  8. Click Invite.

Disable Guest User Accounts

The following instructions will show you how to disable guest user accounts across your organization. If this feature is disabled, all existing guest accounts will automatically be deactivated.

To instead disable an individual guest user’s account, visit Deactivate Users.

  1. Open your Admin Portal.
  2. Click Authentication to open the authentication page.
  3. Click the Authentication Method & Options section’s Edit button.
  4. Click the Allow Guest Access switch.
  5. Click the section’s Save button.