Connect to Starburst

Sigma supports using Starburst Galaxy, a SaaS distribution of Trino, to connect to a Snowflake, Databricks, BigQuery, or PostgreSQL data warehouse.

This document explains how to connect your Sigma organization to your Starburst Galaxy cluster.


For information about Sigma feature compatibility with Starburst connections, see Region, warehouse, and feature support.


  • You must be assigned the Admin account type.
  • You need the credentials for a Starburst Galaxy service account with Select from table privilege for all tables that Sigma needs to access and the Use cluster privilege on the cluster.

Create a Starburst connection

  1. Click the user icon at the top right of your screen.
    The user icon is usually composed of your initials.

  2. In the drop-down menu, select Add connection.
    Select the Add connection option

  3. The Add new connection page appears.
    The connections page lists all supported connection types, as icons

  4. In the Connection Details section, specify these:

    NameEnter a Name for the new connection. Sigma displays this name in the connection list.
    TypeSelect the tile that represents the connection type you want to configure. Here, click the Starburst tile.
  5. In the Connection Credentials section, complete the fields:

    HostThe address of your Starburst Galaxy cluster as a URL or an IP address.
    PortThe port through which Sigma can connect to your Starburst Galaxy cluster.
    UserThe username of the service account set up by your Starburst administrator.
    PasswordThe password for the service account set up by your Starburst administrator.
  6. (Optional) In the Connection features section, adjust the defaults if needed.

    Connection timeoutThe time before timeout (or cancellation), in seconds, that Sigma waits for the query to return results.
    The default is 120, or 2 minutes.
    The maximum is 600, or 10 minutes.
    Use friendly namesThis setting, which is on by default, makes column names from the data source more readable.
    For example, a database column ORDER_NUMBER appears as Order Number.
  7. After you specify all the parameters of the connection, click Create. Sigma displays a connection summary on the screen.

    The connection summary showing the newly created Starburst connection
  8. Click Browse Connection, then click Add permission to grant data access for users in your organization.

    The Permission summary on the connection, showing that no users have access to this connection yet
  9. Use the navigation in the left panel to explore the databases and tables in your connection.

    The browse connection view, showing a table available through the connection
  10. The new connection also appears in the list of connections you have in your account.