Manage dbt Integration

This article provides instructions on how to integrate dbt jobs with Sigma. You can access the docs and metadata generated from dbt jobs directly in Sigma.

Some of the benefits of this integration Sigma are:

  • Data freshness: The dbt job execution data is displayed in Sigma which allows you to verify the freshness of the data.Β 
  • Data quality: You can view dbt quality tests on columns and models in Sigma, which provides a greater degree of transparency into data quality issues.Β 
  • Data cataloging: The dbt table and column descriptions are displayed in Sigma, providing users with additional insights into the data they will explore.


To configure and manage a dbt integration, you must be assigned the Admin account type.

dbt Data

The dbt metadata available in Sigma is:Β Β 

  • Table Description- Provides dbt-source informationΒ  about the table view.Β 
  • Column Description- Provides dbt-source information about the column views.
  • Last Refresh Time- You can view the Last Modified date to verify when that model ran, which is when the data was last updated.
  • Tests- Tests are assertions made about your models and other resources in your dbt project (e.g. sources, seeds and snapshots).


Complete the steps below to create and configure a connection to dbt.

  1. Open your Admin Portal by selecting Administration in the user menu at the top right of your screen.

  2. On the Account tab, scroll down to the Integrations section. Click Add, to the right of dbt.
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  3. On the dbt Integration page, enter your dbt API key. To get your key, see Get your dbt Cloud API key.


Your token will need to have at least read access to the dbt account, e.g. Read-Only for Team plans and account viewer for Enterprise plans. Refer to the dbt service account tokens documentation for more information.

  1. Click Save.Β 

  2. On the dbt tab, you can view the metadata for theΒ  dbt job, columns, and tables.


The dbt tab will not show up in the connections view until a job is run in dbt for Sigma to fetch data from.

Image of connections view with dbt tab showing

  1. In the Details section, you can view the metadata for the Model you integrated. The Last Modified field allows you to verify the freshness of the dbt job.Β 
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Remove dbt

Once you have successfully integrated your dbt jobs with Sigma, you will see the option to Remove the integration.

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