Invite new organization members

When your Sigma organization uses password authentication, you can invite new members directly from the Administration portal.

This document explains how to invite new password-authenticated members and resend or delete pending invitations.

System and user requirements

The ability to invite new password-authenticated members to your Sigma organization requires the following:

  • Your organization must use an authentication method that allows login using email and password (Password, SAML or password, or OAuth or password method). If your organization uses only SAML or OAuth to authenticate members, you must assign new members in the IdP or authorization server.

  • You must be assigned the Admin account type.

Invite a new member

  1. Go to Administration > People:

    1. In the Sigma header, click your user avatar to open the user menu.

    2. Select Administration to open the Administration portal.

    3. In the side panel, select People.

  2. In the People page, click Invite people.

  3. In the Invite people to use Sigma modal, set up and send the invitation:

    1. In the Enter email addresses... field, enter the email address of one or more members to invite.

    2. [optional] In the Guest users section, select the Invite as guest users checkbox to limit user interactions to content explicitly shared with them or their assigned teams.

    3. [optional] In the Select account type dropdown, select an account type to assign the new members. See Manage default invitation account type to modify the default selection.

    4. [optional] In the Add a custom message field, enter a message to include in the invitation email. See Customize welcome and invite emails to set up a default email message.

    5. [optional] In the Assign team(s) section, select the teams to assign the new members.

    6. Click Invite to send an invitation to the email addresses provided.

      Sigma sends an invitation to the provided email addresses and tracks invite details in the People > Pending invitations tab until members set up their accounts.

Resend a pending invitation

  1. Go to Administration > People:

    1. In the Sigma header, click your user avatar to open the user menu.

    2. Select Administration to open the Administration portal.

    3. In the side panel, select People.

  2. In the People page, select the Pending invitations tab.

  3. Resend an invitation to one or more members:

    1. To resend an invitation to an individual member, locate their email address, then click More and select Resend invite.

    2. To resend invitations to multiple members, select the checkbox next to each applicable email address, then click Resend invites.

    When the invite is successfully sent, Sigma displays an "Invites re-sent" confirmation message at the bottom of the page.

Revoke a pending invitation

  1. Go to Administration > People:

    1. In the Sigma header, click your user avatar to open the user menu.

    2. Select Administration to open the Administration portal.

    3. In the side panel, select People.

  2. In the People page, select the Pending invitations tab.

  3. Revoke an invitation sent to one or more members:

    1. To revoke an invitation sent to an individual member, locate their email address, then click More and select Revoke invite.

    2. To revoke invitations sent to multiple members, select the checkbox next to each applicable email address, then click Revoke invites.

    Sigma removes the revoked invitations from the list, and the Set up your account link in any previously sent emails are invalidated.