
The AggLogical function calls a warehouse aggregate function that returns a Logical data type. This function is the aggregation version of CallLogical and can be applied to evaluate array objects for analysis without traversing through the contents of an array.


AggLogical(function name, arguments...)

Function arguments:

  • function name (required)- The name of an aggregate function supported by your data warehouse.
  • arguments (required)- One or more arguments to be passed to the warehouse function. All arguments must meet the warehouse function’s input requirements.


A table contains a Today SKU column that returns an array of top SKU Numbers for each store and a LW Today SKU column that returns an array of top SKU Numbers from the previous week. The CallLogical column returns True if Today SKU and LW Today SKU arrays have at least one SKU Number in common.

You can pass Snowflake's BOOLAND_AGG function to the AggLogical function to check whether all stores in the West region had at least one high demand SKU Number from the previous week.

Similarly, Snowflake's BOOLOR_AGG/BOOLXOR_AGG function can be used to check whether any store or exactly one store in the West region had at least one high demand SKU Number from the previous week.

AggLogical("BOOLAND_AGG", [CallLogical])
  • Returns True if all values in the CallLogical column evaluate to True.
AggLogical("BOOLOR_AGG", [CallLogical])
  • Returns True if at least one value in the CallLogical column evaluate to True.
AggLogical("BOOLXOR_AGG", [CallLogical])
  • Returns True if exactly one value in the CallLogical column evaluate to True.

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