Share a workbook

Users with Can Edit permission and the user account level Share permission can grant other Sigma users access to a Sigma document.

You can set permissions and share a workbook with individuals, teams, and everyone in the Sigma organization.

Users granted share permission on a workbook automatically have view access to the data in the connection.


The ability to share a workbook requires the following:

  • You must be assigned an account type with the Share documents permission enabled.
  • You must be the workbook owner or be granted Can edit workbook permission.

About sharing with users, teams, and all organization members

When you share a workbook with an individual user, the availability of workbook permissions depends on the user's account type.

Workbook permissionMinimum required account type permissionDescription
Can viewView workbooksThe user can view and interact with workbook elements in View mode.
Can exploreFull exploreIn addition to Can view capabilities, the user can modify workbook elements to create custom views of the workbook in Explore mode.
Can editCreate, edit, and publish workbooks

In addition to Can view and Can explore capabilities, the user can manage the workbook (rename, move, or delete), view hidden pages, and save changes to the published version.

If the Share documents account type permission is enabled, the user can also share the workbook with other organization members.

When you share a workbook with all members of your organization or a specific team, individual user access is based on the most restrictive grant (the one with the least privileges) between the workbook permission and account type permission. For example, if you grant Can edit permission to all members of your organization, but a user is assigned to an account type with View workbooks permission enabled only, that specific user is limited to Can view workbook privileges.

For more information about workbook permissions and modes, see Folder and document permissions and Workbook modes overview.

Share a workbook with an organization member or team

You can share a draft or published workbook.

  1. Open the Share Workbook modal using one of the following methods:
    • Click the Share icon share icon in the title bar.
    • From the workbook menu (the caret β–Ό next to the workbook title), select Share.
      The Share Workbook modal opens. Initially it lists you as the person with access.
      Share Workbook modal, described in surrounding text
  2. In the search bar, enter the team or organization member with whom you would like to share the workbook. Sigma lists your selection under Person or team with access.
  3. Repeat as needed for additional teams or members.
  4. For each invitee, select a Permission from the dropdown.
    Share Workbook modal with the permission dropdown open to show options of Can view, Can explore, and Can edit, with Can explore selected.
  5. (Optional) Add a message.
  6. By default Sigma sends an email message. Uncheck the box if you don't want to send an email.
  7. Click Share.

Share a workbook with your organization

You can copy a link to the workbook and share it with users in your organization. Guest users and external users cannot access a workbook shared with your organization.

  1. Access the Share Workbook modal as described in the previous section's Step 1.

  2. At the bottom of the modal, in the General access link section, toggle Allow sharing by link. For All members of your organization you can choose from the available permissions:
    Image of the general access link options described in surrounding text

  3. Set the permission level in the dropdown. The following permissions are available:

    • Can view
    • Can explore
    • Can edit

    For more information see About sharing with users, teams, and all organization members.

  4. After you set the permission, the workbook is shareable.

  5. Click Copy Link to share it.

  6. Click X to close the modal.

Share an unsaved workbook exploration

You can share a workbook from Explore mode using a link. It works the same way as using links to sharing other workbooks, with the additional checkboxΒ Link to current exploration that is selected by default.

Share Workbook modal general access link section, with allow sharing by link option enabled and the checkbox for link to current exploration selected.


If you make changes to the workbook exploration, you need to create a new link to share the changes.

Limit page sharing by hiding pages

Workbook editors can limit which workbook pages users with Can Explore and Can View privileges can access. You can hide any pages that you don't want made visible. To hide a page:

  1. Click the page's caret menu.
    The page detail menu appears, with options to Delete, Rename, Hide, Duplicate, Add new page, or Export.

  2. Click Hide.

    The page tab displays an eye icon to indicate that the page is hidden.
    Page tab showing an eye icon with an upward diagonal slash next to the tab name to indicate that it is hidden

For more information seeΒ Hidden pages and controls in workbooks.

Respond to requests for access to content

If a user attempts to access your content and doesn't have permissions to do so, they can request access through the error page blocking their immediate access. This triggers a Request to Access email notification.

To respond to the Request for Access, do the following:

  1. In the email notification, click the Respond to the Request button.
    Screenshot of email notification, with the user requesting access to the workbook listed as well as the organization and workbook name

  2. Sigma opens with the Share Workbook modal already open so you can see and respond to the access request.

  3. (Optional) Click the permission dropdown menu to select the appropriate level of access.


    The user can't be granted access higher than what their account type allows.

    Share workbook modal with can view listed as the current permission of the user requesting access, and the caret to open the dropdown menu to change the permission highlighted

  4. If you want to approve the request, click Approve. When you select approve, Sigma removes the request from the Share Workbook modal and lists the user in the Who has Access tab.
    Share workbook modal with the Approve option highlighted.

    Or, click Deny. If you select deny, Sigma removes the request from the Share Workbook modal.
    Share workbook modal with the Deny option highlighted.

  5. Click Save.