The AggVariant function calls a warehouse aggregate function that returns a Variant data type. This function is the aggregate version of CallVariant and can be applied to identify distinct values from a lower grouped level in the parent/higher level grouping of a table.
AggVariant(function name, arguments...)
Function arguments:
- function name (required): The name of an aggregate function supported by your data warehouse.
- arguments (required): One or more arguments to be passed to the warehouse function. All arguments must meet the warehouse function’s input requirements.
A table contains an ARRAY_UNIQUE_AGG
column that returns an array containing all the distinct customers who purchased at least one or more items per Product Type. You can pass Snowflake's ARRAY_UNION_AGG function to the AggVariant function to identify all distinct customers who made at least one purchase that week.
function takes in one column containing the arrays with distinct values as produced by Snowflake's ARRAY_UNIQUE_AGG function.
- Return an array that contains the union of distinct customers from the input arrays in the
Updated 9 months ago