Returns the index at which a substring is first found within a given string. If the substring is not found, the result is 0.
Find(string, substring)
string (required) The text to search.
substring (required) The text to search with.
Find is case-sensitive. To create a search that is no case sensitive, you can combine Find with Lower.
Find("milk+cookies", "cook")
- Returns 6
- The string “cook” starts on the 6th letter.
Find("milk+cookies", "chocolate milk")
- Returns 0 because the substring is not found.
Find("Abe Lincoln", "lincoln") = 0
- Returns 0 because the substring is not found. Find is case-sensitive
Find(Lower("Abe Lincoln"), "lincoln")
- Returns 5 because the substring is found in the lowercased string.
Find(“San Francisco County”, “ “)
- Returns 4 because Find searches from left to right and returns the first instance of the substring.
Updated over 1 year ago