
Authenticate Databricks connections with OAuth (Beta)

You can now connect to Databricks using OAuth and inherit all security policies from Databricks. Databricks connections authenticated with OAuth allow your users to read data and use write-back features like input tables, warehouse views, materializations, and CSV uploads with their own individual credentials instead of a service account.

See Configure OAuth with Databricks (Beta).

Functions and calculations

ArrayIntersection function

The ArrayIntersection function compares two arrays and returns an array of all overlapping elements, without duplicates. The function is now supported for BigQuery, Snowflake, and PostgreSQL.

See ArrayIntersection.

SHA256 function

The SHA256 function transforms text input into a 256-bit hash value. The function is supported for all databases except for PostgreSQL.

See SHA256.

Bug fixes

  • Insert row action (beta) now prohibits row insertion into tables with protected columns.
  • Modifying the permissions for a nested folder that inherited its permissions from the parent folder no longer affects the parent folder permissions.
  • Tagging a workbook after removing a version tag no longer results in an error indicating "Failed to tag workbook, $workbookname$ is archived."


Manage upgrade requests in the Administration portal (Beta)

Admins can now view and respond to account upgrade requests in the Administration portal. When a user requests an upgrade to their account type to explore or create workbooks, an admin can review the request in the Administration portal. Admins still receive emails about these requests.

See Respond to account upgrade requests (Beta).

Update or delete audit log storage integrations (Beta)

You can now update or delete your audit log storage integration without assistance from Support. Use the Administration portal to change or delete the integration destination.

See Create, update or delete an audit logs storage integration (Beta).


Pagination required for list endpoints (breaking change)

List endpoints that did not already require pagination now require pagination as of September 4, 2024.

If you use these endpoints, update your API requests to include the limit query parameter to return a paginated response. Requests without the limit parameter now return a paginated response of the default page size (50).

Reorganized API endpoint documentation

The API endpoint documentation is now organized in logical subsections to make endpoints easier to find and use.


Configure shareable links for secure embeds

You can now create shareable links with your own domain name that enable your embed users to share embeds of entire workbooks with other users. In addition, you can use the new workbook:sharinglink:update JavaScript event to make the link available though the embed menu, embed footer, and scheduled export email notifications.

See Configure a shareable link for an embed.

Workbook elements

Organize workbook layouts with containers (Beta)

You can add containers to your workbook pages to organize elements on the canvas and visually group elements together. With containers, you can more easily manage layouts and style elements as a group.

Gif showing a workbook layout before and after containers are applied

See Organize workbook layouts with containers (Beta).

Expanded options to hide or show totals in pivot tables

You can hide or show totals in a pivot table using the Element format menu, or by right-clicking the column totals that you want to hide and de-selecting Show totals in the menu.

See Pivot table totals and subtotals.

Bug fixes

  • Copying and pasting an input table element no longer results in the error β€œUnfortunately, something went wrong. Pasting failed.”


New option for Swap workbook datasources endpoint

The Swap workbook datasources endpoint (POST /v2/workbooks/{workbookId}/swapSources) now includes the swapTables and paths options.

  • Set the swapTables option to true in your request to change all tables in the workbook to use the new connection.
  • Use the paths option to specify connection paths to map from the original connection to the new connection. For example, to swap a workbook connection from DB1.ExampleSchema to DB2.SampleSchema, use this option.

New query parameter for List workbooks endpoint

The List workbooks endpoint (GET /v2/workbooks) now includes the excludeTags query parameter. Set excludeTags to true to improve query performance in cases where you do not need version tag information in the response.

Workbook features

New option for Export to email workbook action

By default, the Export to email workbook action now runs as the user who performs the action instead of as the recipient of the email. You can optionally select to run as recipient instead.

See Create actions that download and export data for more details.


Import data from an image (Beta)

If you have an OpenAI integration configured, you can now import data from an image of a table or a simple chart. The data is parsed and uploaded to a connection with writeback support, then you can start exploring the data in a workbook.

For more information and recommendations, see Import data from an image (Beta).


Authenticate secure embeds using JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) (Beta)

Sigma supports authenticating secure embeds using JSON Web Tokens (JWTs). JWTs are compact, URL-safe tokens that can be digitally signed, ensuring that the data they contain is tamper-proof. Using JWT-signed URLs for your embeds offers several advantages, including offering a secure way to embed content that can be accessed by both external users and internal users.

For more information, see Create an embed API with JSON web tokens (Beta).

Workbook elements

Paste 2,000 rows in input tables on Snowflake connections

When populating data in input tables on a Snowflake connection, you can now paste up to 50,000 cells at once (2,000 rows and 25 columns).

For more information, see Intro to input tables.

Waterfall chart (GA)

Waterfall charts are now generally available (GA). Build a waterfall chart to show changes in data over a period of time. Waterfall charts are perfect for financial analytics use cases where you track revenue and spend for a project, department, or an entire organization, and other use cases. You can format the shape, start, and end values of a waterfall chart as well.

For more information, see Build a waterfall chart.

Bug fixes

  • Sorting pivot columns in a pivot table with more than 25,000 cells of data now works as expected.


New response output for Get embeds for a workbook endpoint

The entries array includes three additional properties in the response for the Get embeds for a workbook (GET /v2/workbooks/{workbookId}/embeds) endpoint:

  • sourceType: Whether the source of the embed is a workbook, page or element.
  • sourceId: The ID of the workbook, page, or element that is the source of the embed.
  • sourceName: The name of the workbook, page, or element that is the source of the embed.

Workbook features

Use actions to insert rows into input tables (Beta)

Use the Insert row action to insert a row into an input table based on a user’s interaction with another workbook element. For more information about actions in Sigma, see Intro to actions .


New permission for AI features

Manage access to new AI features in Sigma with the Use AI features permission. Users must have a Pro license to be granted this permission.

See License and account type overview.

Data modeling

Version tagging support for data models (Beta)

Version tag data models to support version tagged workbooks and manage access to specific versions of a data model. You can also swap sources between different tagged data model versions.

A tagged version of a workbook that uses a data model as the source stays in sync with the latest published version of the data model. If you want the tagged version of a workbook to use a specific version of a data model, tag that data model version and use it as the source for the tagged workbook version.

For more details, see Create and manage version tags and Add version tags to workbooks and data models.

View parameters referenced by a custom SQL element in a data model

Custom SQL elements in a data model that reference a control as a parameter in the SQL syntax are now visible from the Targets section of the Element properties for the control.

Screenshot showing the Element properties panel for a control with the Targets tab open, showing "Custom SQL" in the "Currently referenced by" list.

Workbook elements

CSV input tables (GA)

Pre-populate a new input table with uploaded CSV data you can edit at the cell level.

Like empty input tables, CSV input tables support data entry independent of existing data, enabling you to add editable rows and columns to construct the table as you see fit.

For more information, see Intro to input tables and Create new input tables.

Stacking support for waterfall charts (Beta)

Waterfall charts now support stacking. With stacked waterfall charts, you can plot multiple data series as cumulative waterfall segments and compare subcategory contributions to each category’s total sum value.

Waterfall chart showing total sales quantity for each year, plotted as the difference from the prior year, with 2024 showing as a sharp decrease because the year is only half over.

See Build a waterfall chart (Beta).

Updated file names for Google Sheet and Google Drive exports

The default file name used for Google Sheet and Google Drive exports has been updated from:

date time - workbook name



This change makes these export naming conventions consistent with Sigma's other export file name patterns.

For example, for a workbook with the name workbookName, exported on August 2nd, the file name changes from 2024-08-02 10:07 - workbookName to workbookName_elementName_20240802T1007.

Bug fixes

  • When a specific version of a workspace has been shared with a user or team using both a direct grant and an inherited grant, Sigma no longer lists the same version tag multiple times in the Share Folder modal.


New connection type: Starburst Galaxy

Sigma now supports connecting to your Snowflake, Databricks, BigQuery, or PostgreSQL cloud data warehouse through Starburst Galaxy, a SaaS distribution of Trino. For more information, see Connect to Starburst.


Pagination required for List endpoints (breaking change)

List endpoints that did not already require pagination will start requiring pagination on September 4, 2024.

If you use these endpoints, update your API requests to include the limit query parameter to return a paginated response. After the change, requests without the limit parameter return a paginated response of the default page size (50).

New file type for List files and List member files endpoints

The typeFilter query parameter for the List files and List member files endpoints now includes a symlink option that you can use to filter shortcuts in your request. Shortcuts are also included in the response of requests that do not include a typeFilter.

New option for Update an inode endpoint

The Update an inode endpoint (PATCH /v2/files/{inodeId}) now includes the restore option. Include the restore option in your request to restore previously deleted files.

Search and discovery

Add shortcuts to documents (Beta)

If you want to save links to documents in more than one location, you can add a shortcut. Use shortcuts to make specific data sources easier to find in the source picker, or to organize documents to make key workbooks and data models easier to access.

See Add shortcuts to documents for more details.

Workbook features

Custom workbook page width

Set a custom page width for a workbook. Specify a pixel width to constrain the elements on workbook pages to a maximum width. See Workbook settings overview.

If you export workbook pages to PDF, use this setting to approximate the layout size of a PDF page. See Format PDF page export layout.


New response output for List workbooks for a tag and Get a workbook endpoints

The tags array includes two additional properties in the response for the List workbooks for a tag and Get a workbook endpoints:

workbookTaggedAtTimestamp that indicates when a workbook was tagged with the given version tag.
sourceWorkbookVersionVersion number that identifies which version of the workbook was tagged with the given version tag. The number corresponds to the version number available in the workbook's version history.

Workbook features

Export to webhook

Webhook exports are now generally available (GA). Use a webhook to send workbook data to your own webhook endpoints or other applications.

For more information, see Export to webhook.


Additional workbooks and shared templates endpoints

The following workbooks and shared templates endpoints are now available:

New option for Create a connection endpoint

The Create a connection endpoint (POST /v2/connections) now includes the option to connect to MySQL.

New query parameter for List connections endpoint

The List connections endpoint (GET /v2/connections) now includes the includeArchived query parameter to return archived and inactive connections. If your request doesn't use this parameter, the response output is unchanged.


Enhanced underlying data exploration

Embedded workbooks now support the enhanced Underlying Data modal, accessible from individual data points in visualization elements.

Right- or left-click a data point and select Show underlying data, then explore the underlying data by modifying filters, adding and removing columns, and interacting directly with the chart and data table.

Workbook elements

Trellis formatting for combo charts

Combo charts now support trellis formatting. Add a column as a trellis row or column to split a combo chart into a trellis.

Bug fixes

  • The Administration > Authentication > Authentication Settings and Options section now correctly allows an admin to edit the Company Domain Signup field regardless of the configured authentication method.

  • Conditional formatting for pivot tables now applies to cells containing β€œTotal” labels. For more information, see Apply conditional formatting.

Functions and calculations

Function index

Use the function index to browse our entire functions catalog or use Ctrl+f to search for a specific functionβ€”all in a single page.

Sigma supports over 200 functions that enable you to perform simple and complex calculations, transformations, and extractions to get the most out of your data. The function index lists these by category (Aggregate, Date, System, Window, etc.), provides a brief description of each, and links to the individual function pages.

Workbook elements

Row ID column in input tables

Add an input table column containing system-generated row IDs to expose unique identifiers that support data management and referential integrity.

For more information, see Add row ID.

Workbook features

Show or hide columns with names matching control values

Use the Modify element action to show or hide table columns with names that match selected control values.

For more information, see Show columns with names matching control values and Hide columns with names matching control values.