
Organization translation files

Serve Sigma users in your organization and consumers of embedded analytics with content in their preferred language.

Admins can create organization-wide translation files to translate custom strings that are common across workbooks in an organization, saving time and ensuring a consistent experience. Workbook owners inherit the organization-level translations and can override and supplement them with translations unique to an individual workbook. For more information, see:


API reference documentation and recipes

The API reference documentation has moved to The new structure for the API reference offers better in-line documentation for endpoints and interactive code samples in a variety of languages.

The API reference docs are supported by new Recipes and QuickStarts that walk you through real-world code examples using the API.

GIF showing use of new interactive API reference documentation

Translations API endpoints

A new collection of endpoints allows admins to manage organization translation files to support localized content.

  • GET /v2/translations/organization lists all the translation files that have been defined at the organization level.
  • POST /v2/translations/organization creates a new organization translation file.
  • GET /v2/translations/organization/{lng} retrieves the translations for the specified locale without a custom variant.
  • PUT /v2/translations/organization/{lng} updates the translation file for a specified locale without a custom variant.
  • DELETE /v2/translations/organization/{lng} deletes the translation file for the specified locale without a custom variant.
  • GET v2/translations/organization/{lng}/{lng_variant} retrieves the translations for the specified custom translation for a locale.
  • PUT v2/translations/organization/{lng}/{lng_variant} updates the translations file for the specified custom translation for a locale.`
  • DELETE /v2/translations/organization/{lng}/{lng_variant} deletes the translation file for the specified custom translation for a locale.


New outbound events in embeds

Use two new outbound events, workbook:exploreKey:onchange and workbook:bookmark:onchange, to communicate and interact between embedded content and the host application.

For more information, see Implement inbound and outbound events in embeds.

Workbook elements

Improved data source selection UI

Select data sources for workbook elements using a new popover UI. With the new experience, you can search for data sources, review a list of suggested sources, and preview data sources. Preview a data source to review the source data and choose specific columns to apply to the element.

For more information, see Create a data element.

CSV input tables (Beta)

Pre-populate a new input table with uploaded CSV data you can edit at the cell level.

Like empty input tables, CSV input tables support data entry independent of existing data, enabling you to add editable rows and columns to construct the table as you see fit.

For more information, see Intro to input tables and Create new input tables.

Dynamic button text

Add dynamic values to button elements. When configuring the button text, enter = to include a dynamic value defined by a formula expression.

For more information about buttons, see Create a button element.

Bug fix

  • Sigma no longer throws an error when multiple embeds attempt to add a new user at the same time.


New inbound and outbound events in embeds

Use new inbound and outbound events to communicate and interact between embedded content and the host application.

Inbound events:

  • workbook:bookmark:create
  • workbook:fullscreen:update
  • workbook:selectednodeid:update
  • workbook:variables:list
  • workbook:variables:update

Outbound events:

  • url:onchange
  • workbook:bookmark:oncreate
  • workbook:chart:error
  • workbook:dataloaded
  • workbook:error
  • workbook:fullscreen:onchange
  • workbook:id:onchange
  • workbook:pageheight:onchange
  • workbook:pivottable:oncellselect
  • workbook:published

For more information, see Implement inbound and outbound events in embeds.

Workbook features

Sigma documentation in embed elements

Embed Sigma documentation pages in workbooks (using the embed UI element) or any other applications that support iframe content.

For more information, see Embed element.

Bug fix

  • Administrators can no longer circumvent UI restrictions to raise privileges of guest and embed users.

Formulas and operations

ArrayAggDistinct function

The ArrayAggDistinct function identifies distinct non-null row values of a column or group and aggregates them into a single array.

For more information see ArrayAggDistinct.

Record formula support

Use record formulas to generate structured objects (like JSON) directly in workbooks and data models.

When processing structured objects, Sigma preserves individual field data types and enforces type constraints. While this practice ensures data integrity and accuracy, it also allows you to easily access and manipulate object values without performing type conversions.

For more information, see Generate and access structured objects.

Bug fixes

  • In embeds, the workbook:chart:onvalueselect event no longer sends an empty value property.

  • Users no longer encounter false permission errors when accessing permitted tagged workbook versions.

  • Sigma now displays an error when an admin attempts to generate a signed embed URL for a public embed.

  • Bookmark selection for exports is now available only when all attachments are PDF or PNG files.


Customizable session length

If your organization uses password or SAML authentication, you can customize the session length to control how long internal and guest users stay logged in before Sigma requires re-authentication.

By default, the session length is set to 720 hours, meaning users must log in every 30 days. Adjust the session length to align with internal security policies and external regulatory requirements.

For more information, see Manage authentication method and options.


Explore mode and bookmarks in embeds

Explore mode is now available in embedded workbooks.

Embed users can perform ad hoc analysis, save the explored state as a personal bookmark, and manage existing bookmarks.

For more information, see Explore a published workbook and Bookmarks in embedded workbooks.


Cross-org template sharing

Send and accept workbook templates across different Sigma organizations.

With secure cross-org sharing, a receiving organization must choose its own data source to populate the shared template, ensuring no data from the sharing organization is disclosed.

For more information, see Share and accept cross-org workbook templates.

Snowflake key pair authentication and rotation

Create a Snowflake connection using the key pair authentication method, and protect your data with key rotation.

Key pair authentication offers enhanced security through the use of a private key (secured by Sigma) and a public key (shared with Snowflake) for encryption and decryption. By implementing periodic key rotation, you can further protect your data from threats of exposure and compromised keys.

For more information, see Sigma’s Snowflake Key-pair Authorization QuickStart.

Scoped API keys

Define the scope of an API key to permit access to APIs only, embeds only, or both. This update provides more control over API privileges to ensure developers are granted relevant feature access.

For more information about client credentials, see Generate API client credentials and Generate embed client credentials.


Embed signing packages

Use Sigma’s sample code for signing embed URLs to reduce time to deploy embedded applications.

For sample code in Go, Python, Ruby, and JavaScript, see the Embed Signing Packages Github repository.

Workbook features

Actions (GA)

Build workbook interactivity with actions (now generally available) to create efficient workflows that produce quick and relevant data insights.

The GA release features additional effects in navigation, control value management, element modification, and data transfer. For more information, see the following documentation:

Data modeling

Data models (Beta)

Build data models to create collections of table and input table elements that can be reused as data sources in other Sigma documents. Use the familiar workbook-style format to easily transform and analyze reusable elements, and view key insights into data model usage across your organization.

For more information, see Intro to data models and Create and manage data models.

Functions and calculations

Advanced calculation options for metrics

Quickly convert metrics to cumulative aggregates (grand total) or relative aggregates (percent of total) in tables, pivot tables, and visualizations.

Open the relevant column menu, then hover over Advanced calculations and select an option to show the grand total or percent of total. Available percentage breakdowns (by grand total, x-axis, row, column, etc.) depend on the element type.

Workbook elements

Interactive chart legends

Interact with chart legend entries to quickly focus on specific data subsets.

Charts containing legends that represent qualitative segments (like categories or series) support the following interactive filtering capabilities:

  • Hover over a legend entry to highlight corresponding data points.
  • Click a legend entry label to isolate corresponding data points.
  • Select or clear the checkbox of one or more legend entries to show or hide corresponding data points.
  • Click anywhere (within the element) outside of the plot area or legend to reset the chart display.


Changes resulting from chart legend interactions persist when you switch between workbook modes; however, they don’t persist across user sessions and aren’t saved when the workbook is published.

Bug fix

  • To preserve data integrity, Sigma no longer converts Yes/No and 0/1 values to True/False boolean values in CSV uploads.

Workbook features

Customizable page tab color

Customize the color of individual page tabs for added clarity and organization in workbooks.

In the page menu, click Change color and select an option from the color palette.


JavaScript event for saved bookmark

Sigma now listens for the following JavaScript event sent by a user to save a bookmark on an embedded workbook:

      type: 'workbook-bookmark-current';
      bookmarkName: string;
      isDefault: boolean;
      isShared: boolean;

Workbook elements

Map region improvements

Sigma now uses Mapbox to render regions in map elements. This update contributes overall performance improvements, including more precise boundaries for mapped regions.


Due to updated place name specifications, Mapbox may not render some regions in existing maps. Update place names in map element data sources if needed.

Conditional formatting using hidden controls

Conditional formatting rules referencing hidden controls are now applied reliably to visible data elements in embeds and published workbook versions (View and Explore mode).

For more information about hidden controls and filter accessibility, see Create a hidden control.

Bug fixes

  • Selecting the Impersonate user function for a user assigned the Embed member type no longer redirects admins to the Home page.

  • Admins can now successfully update a user’s member type from Internal to Guest.

  • Sigma now emits the workbook:error JavaScript event when an embed user is logged out due to a session timeout.


Account type permissions for export destinations

Account types feature separate permissions for individual export destinations, enabling granular control over members’ ability to export workbook content to Google Sheets, Google Drive, Slack, cloud storage, and webhooks.

For more information, see the account type permission availability matrix (Sharing and exports section) in License and account type overview.

Separate export warehouse

If your Sigma organization is connected to Snowflake, you can run all scheduled, direct, and on-demand exports through a separate warehouse. This practice isolates export operations to optimize performance and reduce computing costs.

For more information, see Configure an export warehouse.


SUPER data type support

Sigma natively supports the SUPER data type to seamlessly handle semistructured data from Redshift connections.

Workbook elements

Default value for empty pivot table cells

When there’s no corresponding source data for a pivot table value cell to reference (no record exists for the particular combination of dimensions), the cell is empty by default. To customize the value for all empty cells, go to Element format > Format and enter the preferred value in the Empty cell display value field.

Workbook features

Table styling in workbook settings and organization themes

Configure a default table style for an entire workbook (in the Workbook settings panel) or an organization theme (in the Administration portal).

For more information, see Customize table styles and Create and manage workbook themes.


Array function

The Array function returns an array containing specified values.

For more information, see Array.

Workbook elements

Repeat pivot values in exports

When sending or scheduling an export, you now have the option to repeat pivot values in Excel or CSV output.

In the Send Now or Schedule Exports modal, go to More options and select the Repeat pivot values checkbox. This ensures the pivot header values are populated in every applicable row or column.

Bulk column drag-and-drop

When interacting with a visualization, table, pivot table, or input table elements, you can now bulk drag-and-drop columns in the Element properties > Columns tab to reorder multiple columns or add them to groupings, calculations, and other properties.

Workbook features

Button element formatting

Button elements now feature new Style, Shape, and Size formatting options in the Element properties panel.