What's new in Sigma


Use different OAuth configurations for authenticating users to your connections than you use for your Sigma organization (Beta)

Sigma now supports authenticating a connection with OAuth without re-using OAuth credentials used for authenticating users to your Sigma organization. As a result:

  • You no longer need to use OAuth as your authentication method for your Sigma organization in order to authenticate a connection with OAuth.
  • If you use multiple IdPs and data platforms, you can create connections with different OAuth configurations as needed.
  • When authenticating Snowflake connections with OAuth, you can configure Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE) and/or JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) to secure your connection.

For more information about OAuth, see Configure OAuth.

For instructions on how to configure a unique OAuth connection for a Databricks or Snowflake connection, see:

Workbook features

Modal element (GA)

Modals help simplify workbook design and allow you to build a streamlined, app-like experience. An open modal overlays and obscures a workbook page to provide a focused view of the modal content. This reduces visual clutter and allows you to present form fields, provide customized drilldowns, display controls and filters in a dedicated container, etc.

To incorporate a modal into a workbook, you must configure an Open modal action. For more information, see Add a modal to a workbook and Open or close a modal.