The AggText function sends a request to execute an aggregate warehouse function that returns a text data type. This function is the aggregation version of CallText.
AggText(function name, arguments...)
Function arguments:
- function name (required) - an aggregate warehouse function to execute
- arguments (required) - one or more arguments to pass to the warehouse function
All arguments must meet the warehouse function’s input requirements. Unsupported arguments result in an invalid formula.
A table contains a Customer Name column that generates each region's top five customers based on purchase activity. Using the AggText function, you can execute Snowflake's MIN function in a higher grouped level of the table to return the first customer according to alphabetical order.
AggText("MIN", [Customer Name])
Returns the first Customer Name value (based on alphabetical order) for each region in the Store Region column.
Updated 9 months ago
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