Create and manage dataset parameters

A dataset parameter is a customizable field that you can add to a dataset worksheet and reference in formulas and in custom SQL. Creating dataset parameters and referencing them allows you to dynamically replace values used in calculations.

Use a parameter instead of a constant value for what-if and user input analysis. Using a parameter lets users change its value very quickly. For example, you might want to compare product sales growth by a variable 2%, 5%, and 10% percent. A parameter can quickly inject this variable value into a formula.

Dataset parameters can also improve performance for expensive workbook queries. Use dataset parameters to filter the data down to only what is needed.

User requirements

The ability to create, edit, delete, and use parameters in datasets requires the following:

  • You must be assigned an account type with the Create, edit, and publish datasets permission enabled.
  • You must be the the dataset owner or be granted Can edit dataset permissions.

The ability to view parameters in a dataset, requires the following:

  • You must be assigned an account type with the View datasets permission enabled.
  • You must be the the dataset owner or be granted Can view dataset permissions.

View dataset parameters in a dataset worksheet

From the Sigma Home page, select an existing dataset or create a new one. See Create Datasets.

When viewing a dataset, access dataset parameters when viewing the Worksheet tab for the dataset, in the left panel:

Dataset worksheet for the Stations table from the Sigma Sample Connection with a parameter for Ideal Dock Count, with a value of 20

In the left panel, all existing dataset parameters are shown under Parameters. For each parameter, you can see:

  • Data type: Represents the value type of the parameter, such as text (abc), number (123), or date (calendar). For more information see Supported data types and formats.
  • Parameter name: The name of the parameter.
  • Parameter value: The current value of the parameter. When editing the dataset, you can input a new parameter value. Depending on the parameter settings, you might choose a value from a list, input text, input a number, or select a date.
  • Parameter menu: Menu to edit, duplicate, or delete the parameter. Select the to open the menu. This menu is only available when editing the dataset.

Create a dataset parameter

  1. Open a dataset, then open the Worksheet tab for the dataset.

  2. Click Edit.

  3. If the left control panel is not already open, expand it by clicking Show Controls in the toolbar, or by selecting the Controls bar.

  4. In the Parameters section, click Add Parameter.

    Select the + Add Parameter option in the parameters header.

    The Add Parameter modal opens.

    Add parameter modal with options described in surrounding steps.

  5. For Parameter Name, enter a name for the parameter.

  6. (Optional) Add a description.

  7. Select the Data Type (Text, Number, or Date) for the parameter.

  8. The Suggested Values option determines the parameter’s input type. Select either:

  9. (Optional) Specify a Default Value for the parameter.

  10. (Optional) For date or number data types, specify a Format for the parameter value.

  11. Click Save.

After creating a parameter, you can use it in one of the following ways:

Use a list of values in a dataset parameter

  1. Follow the steps to create a dataset parameter, then for Suggested Values, select List.
  2. (Optional) For a date or number data type, specify a Format for the parameter value. For example, format a Number value as currency.
  3. In the Values List, add each value. If you defined a display format, the Display Value reflects the formatting.
    Edit parameter modal, with the format set to Currency, and a value list option showing the number 0, with a display value of $0.00
  4. (Optional) In the Default Value dropdown menu, select one of the values from the list.
  5. Click Save.

Reference a dataset parameter in a formula in a dataset worksheet

You can reference a dataset parameter by name in a worksheet column formula. The formula uses the value of the parameter and automatically updates when the parameter value is changed.

For example, for a dataset with a Revenue column, you might create a Min Sales Amount parameter, then calculate a formula to evaluate whether the sales revenue is greater than the minimum sales amount:

  1. Add a new column to the dataset.

  2. In the formula bar for the new column, enter the name of the dataset parameter surrounded by square brackets. For example, [Min Sales Amount].

    Formula bar autocomplete showing the parameter name, Min Sales Amount.

  3. Rename the column to reflect the formula. For example, Min Sales Param.

  4. In the parameter list, update the value of the parameter and observe the changes to the column.
    Parameter value set to 500 and Min Sales Param column reflecting the value as $500.00 because the column formula is equivalent to the parameter value.

  5. Modify the column formula to use the parameter in a calculation. For example, evaluate whether the Revenue for each row in the column is greater than the Min Sales Amount parameter value using the formula: [Revenue] > [Min Sales Amount]

    Sigma automatically calculates a Boolean (logical) value for the column.

  6. In the parameter list, change the value of the parameter and observe the changes to the true/false values in the column.

    The calculated column automatically updates when you enter a new parameter value.

Filter a dataset worksheet with a dataset parameter

To filter a dataset worksheet based on a dataset parameter:

  1. Create a parameter. See Create a dataset parameter.

  2. Reference the parameter in a column formula. See Reference a dataset parameter in a formula in a dataset worksheet.

  3. Create a filter for that column:

    1. From the column menu, select Add Filter.

    2. In the Add Filter modal, select the filter type and the filter value(s) to filter in the dataset. For example, choose to display only True values.

      For a column Is > Min Sales Amount, choose the filter values from a list of True, False, or null

    3. Click Save.

      The filter appears in the side panel in the Filters section. You can update the parameter and the filter from the panel.

Reference a dataset parameter in SQL

You can create a dataset or populate a workbook element by writing a SQL query against a connected data platform. You can use dataset parameters in your SQL query by wrapping the name of the parameter in curly brackets:


After you update a SQL statement to reference a parameter, changes to the parameter value propagate to the SQL source and refresh the data.

To reference a dataset parameter in SQL:

  1. Create a parameter.

  2. In a workbook, create a data element from SQL. See Create a data element.

    • When writing the SQL, add the parameter by referencing its name in double curly brackets, replacing any spaces in the name with hyphens:


      For example:

        where SALES_AMOUNT > {{min-sales-amount)}
    • If the parameter value is passed into the SQL with single quotation marks, you can remove these quotation marks by prepending the special keyword "#raw" before the parameter name:
      {{#raw <parameter name>}}


    If you use the #raw configuration value, row-level security can be bypassed, creating a security vulnerability.

  3. After saving the SQL, test the results by inputting a value in the parameter and review the output of the data element.

For more examples and details, see Write custom SQL and Create a dataset from SQL.

Delete a dataset parameter

To permanently delete a dataset parameter:

  1. Go to a dataset's worksheet tab.
  2. Click Edit.
  3. If the left control panel is not already open, expand it by clicking Show Controls in the toolbar, or by selecting the Controls bar.
  4. In the Parameters list, hover over the parameter that you want to delete, then click the caret to open the dropdown menu.
  5. Click Delete.