Customize element background

All data elements (visualizations, tables, and pivot tables), input tables, and text elements can display a background area that encompasses applicable element components, including the title, chart, legend, rows, columns, and summary bar. The workbook theme determines the default element background color, but you can customize individual elements to improve accessibility, create a visual hierarchy, and ensure alignment with company branding.

This document explains how to add, change, or remove a custom background color for individual elements in a workbook.

User requirements

The ability to customize the background color of workbook elements requires the following:

  • You must be assigned an account type with the Explore workbook and/or Create, edit, and publish workbooks permission enabled.
  • You must be the workbook owner or be granted Can explore or Can edit workbook permission.

Add or change a custom background color

  1. Open a workbook in Explore or Edit mode and select the element you want to modify.

  2. Select Element format in the side navigation, then click the Background header to expand the section.


    For text elements, select Element properties in the side navigation to access the background options.

  3. If the Show background checkbox is cleared, select it to enable a custom element background.

  4. Click the Background color field, then enter a hex value or select an option from the color palette or picker. The element immediately reflects the custom background color.

Remove a custom background color

  1. Open a workbook in Explore or Edit mode and select the element you want to modify.

  2. Select Element format in the side navigation, then click the Background header to expand the section.


    For text elements, select Element properties in the side navigation to access the background options.

  3. If the Show background checkbox is selected, clear it to remove the custom background color. The element immediately returns to the workbook theme’s default background color.

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