Plugin development API

The PluginConfigOptions Object


name string

An identifier and label for the individual configuration option.

type string

The configuration option’s input type:

  • element: Allows users to reference a data element in the workbook. Typically used for data source selection.
  • column: Allows users to select data element columns. PluginConfigOptions assigned this type must also include source and allowMultiple arguments.
  • text: Allows users to input text into a text box. PluginConfigOptions assigned this type must also include secure, multiline, placeholder, and default value arguments.
  • group: Allows users to group multiple PluginConfigOptions. This configuration type can only contain β€œtext” type objects.
  • toggle: Allows users to choose between two boolean values.
  • checkbox: Allows users to select options.

source string (ignored if type does not equal β€œcolumn”)

The name argument of the PluginConfigOptions object (type β€œelement”) that stores the data element to be used as a data source.

allowMultiple boolean (ignored if type does not equal β€œcolumn”)

True allows users to select multiple values.

allowTypes string | undefined (ignored if type does not equal β€œcolumn”)

A list if any or all column types you want to prevent users from inputting.

Options: 'boolean', 'datetime', 'number', 'integer', 'text', 'variant', 'link', 'error'

secure boolean | undefined (ignored if type does not equal β€œtext”)

If true:

  • A password input type is applied to the text box
  • The input value is not passed as plaintext through the query string (for pre-hydrated configs). The value is only made available once a secure connection between the plugin and workbook has been established.

If false:

  • Default text input is used.
  • The input value is passed as plaintext through the query string, allowing the value to be accessed immediately in the plugin.

Multiline boolean | undefined (ignored if type does not equal β€œtext”)

Uses <textarea /> instead of <input />.

Note: Can still be set as secure but will no longer use the password type.

placeholder string | undefined (ignored if type does not equal β€œtext”)

Placeholder text for the text input.

defaultValue string | undefined (ignored if type does not equal β€œtext”)

A value to use as the default in a text input if no value is set.


Example #1

The object below displays a select menu. The menu includes all data elements in the workbook. Users will select an element from this list to be used as the data source for their plugin-based element.

{ name: 'data source', type: 'element' }

Example #2

The object below displays a select menu. The menu that lists every column in the data element the user selected as a data source in the β€œdata source” input (see Example #1 above). Because allowMultiple is true, the user can select multiple columns from the list.

{ name: 'dimension', type: 'column', source: 'data source', allowMultiple: **true** }

Configuration API


Configures the workbook’s editor panel for the plugin.


editorPanelConfiguration array<{PluginConfigOptions}>

A list of PluginConfigOptions objects that define the inputs available in the plugin element’s editor panel.


  { name: 'data source', type: 'element' },
    name: 'dimension',
    type: 'column',
    source: 'data source',
    allowMultiple: true
  { name: 'measures', type: 'column', source: 'data source', allowMultiple: true },
  { name: 'a group of values', type: 'group' },
  { name: 'text input #1', source: 'a group of values', type: 'text' },
  { name: 'text input #2', source: 'a group of values', type: 'text' },
  { name: 'apiKey', type: 'text', secure: true },


Returns the array of PluginConfigOptions.




Returns a specific PluginConfigOptions object based on the input string.


key string

The name of the target PluginConfigOptions object


Updates the plugin configuration for one or more key/value pairs and saves it to the workbook.


config array<{key: string, value: string}>

The key / value pair to save, where key is the name of the PluginConfigOptions object and value is the user’s input value.

client.config.setKey(key, value)

Updates the input value associated with a specific PluginConfigOptions object and saves it to the workbook.

Note: To set multiple values at once, use client.config.set(config).


key string

The name of the associated PluginConfigOptions object

value any

The user’s input value.


Subscribes to configuration changes.


listener config => void

A function to be invoked when changes are made to the configuration.

Standard Javascript API


Returns a Promise that resolves to the column information from the specified element.


elementId string

A workbook element’s unique identifier.

client.elements.subscribeToElementColumns(elementId, listener)

Subscribes to changes in a specific element’s column information.


elementId string

A workbook element’s unique identifier.

listener function

A callback function to be invoked

client.elements.subscribeToElementData(elementId, listener)

Subscribes to changes in a specific element’s data rows. The shape of the data is a dictionary of cell data keyed by its columnId: Dictionary<ColumnId, CellValue[]>.


elementId string

A workbook element’s unique identifier.

listener function

A callback function to be invoked

Hooks API

The Hooks API, built using React Hooks, is included in the Sigma plugin client package.


Returns the column information from the specified element.


elementId string

A workbook element’s unique identifier.


Returns the row data from the specified element. The shape of the data is a dictionary of cell data keyed by its columnId: Dictionary<ColumnId, CellValue[]>.


elementId string

A workbook element’s unique identifier.


Returns the workbook element’s current configuration. If a key is provided, only the associated configuration is returned.


key string [optional]

The name of the associated PluginConfigOptions object.