Create a one-click action button

A button is a UI element that allows you to create a one-click action in a workbook. You can customize how a button is displayed and configure it to open an external link, open a Sigma document (workbook, dataset, or connection table), redirect to a specific destination in the current workbook, or initiate a PDF download.

User requirements

The ability to create elements in a workbook requires the following:

  • You must be assigned an account type with the Explore Workbook or Edit Workbook permission enabled.
  • You must be the workbook owner or be granted Can explore or Can edit workbook permission.

Create a one-click action button

  1. In the navigation menu, click Add element to open the Add New panel.

  2. In the Elements tab, go to the UI Elements section and select Button.

  3. In the Element properties panel, configure the display-related fields:

    • Label:Β Enter a label or call to action (CTA) text.

    • Appearance: Select a button style (solid, outline, or text only).

    • Alignment

      • Horizontal: Align or stretch the button relative to the total element width.
      • Vertical: Align the button relative to the total element height.

  4. Select an Action option to determine the one-click action:

    • Open an external link: Open a webpage external to Sigma.

    • Open a Sigma document: Open a Sigma workbook, dataset, or connection table.

    • Go to target on this workbook: Redirect to a specific page or element in the current workbook.

    • Download as PDF: Initiate a PDF download containing the current page or entire workbook.

  5. Configure the additional fields that appear in Element properties based on the selected Action option (click to expand below):

    Open an external link
    • Link URL: Enter the external webpage URL.

    • Open in: Determine how the linked page opens in the browser.


      The Same window and Parent window options both open the linked page in the current browser window; however, Same window applies to workbooks accessed directly in Sigma, while Parent window applies to embedded workbooks only. When selecting an Open in option, consider how report consumers will access the workbook.

    Open a Sigma document
    • Page: Enter the target document's URL slug (the part of the target document URL that follows your organization name, beginning with a forward slash (/)).

    • Open in: Determine how the linked document opens in the browser.


      The Same window and Parent window options both open the linked document in the current browser window; however, Same window applies to workbooks accessed directly in Sigma, while Parent window applies to embedded workbooks only. When selecting an Open in option, consider how report consumers will access the workbook.

    Go to target on this workbook
    • Target: Select the target page or element.

    Download as PDF
    • Orientation: Select the downloadable content and PDF output orientation.


      Permissible users can initiate a PDF download when accessing the workbook directly in Sigma. To enable PDF download in a private or application embed, append :allow_export=true to the embed URL. Users cannot download a PDF when viewing the workbook in a public embed.

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