Manage localization in embeds

Localization allows workbook editors to translate workbook text to other locales. Translations are managed per-workbook and are available when viewing embedded workbooks and workbook previews.

Localization is managed at the Workbook level and is fully described on this documentation page.

Applying an Existing Translation to an Embed

Translations are applied to previews and embeds via a URL parameter.

We will demonstrate using French, which has a parameter identified as fr.

We also want the column names to be translated for our example.

To do that, we downloaded the French translation json file which provides column names with the current (English) values for translation.

Download the JSON file

Download the JSON file

  "Page 1": "Page 1",
  "Order Number": "Order Number",
  "Date": "Date",
  "Sku Number": "Sku Number",
  "Quantity": "Quantity",
  "Cost": "Cost",
  "Price": "Price",
  "Product Type": "Product Type",
  "Product Family": "Product Family",
  "Product Line": "Product Line",
  "Brand": "Brand",
  "Product Name": "Product Name",
  "Store Name": "Store Name",
  "Store Key": "Store Key",
  "Store Region": "Store Region",
  "Store State": "Store State",
  "Store City": "Store City",
  "Store Zip Code": "Store Zip Code",
  "Store Latitude": "Store Latitude",
  "Store Longitude": "Store Longitude",
  "Cust Key": "Cust Key",
  "Customer Name": "Customer Name",
  "Cust Json": "Cust Json",
  "Plugs Sales Data": "Plugs Sales Data"

We replaced the second column of values (as shown above) with French and created a new JSON file:

  "Page 1": "Page 1",
    "Order Number": "NumΓ©ro de Commande",
    "Date": "Date",
    "Sku Number": "NumΓ©ro de SKU",
    "Quantity": "QuantitΓ©",
    "Cost": "CoΓ»t",
    "Price": "Prix",
    "Product Type": "Type de Produit",
    "Product Family": "Famille de Produit",
    "Product Line": "Ligne de Produit",
    "Brand": "Marque",
    "Product Name": "Nom du Produit",
    "Store Name": "Nom du Magasin",
    "Store Key": "identitΓ© du magasin",
    "Store Region": "RΓ©gion du Magasin",
    "Store State": "Γ‰tat du Magasin",
    "Store City": "Ville du Magasin",
    "Store Zip Code": "Code Postal du Magasin",
    "Store Latitude": "Latitude du Magasin",
    "Store Longitude": "Longitude du Magasin",
    "Cust Key": "identitΓ© du client",
    "Customer Name": "Nom du Client",
    "Cust Json": "Json du Client",
    "Plugs Sales Data": "DonnΓ©es de Ventes de Plugs"

Upload this translated JSON file using the Sigma UI:

Upload a new language translation JSON file

Upload a new language translation JSON file

Add this parameter to the sample Embed API code as follows:

// NOTE: Localization values are case sensitive
searchParams += '&:lng=fr';

Check the Embed in a Browser:

Columns have are translated into French based on JSON mapping

Columns have are translated into French based on JSON mapping

Current Limitations

  • Auto-generated data element names are not included in the Sigma generated .json file. Please manually name all data elements prior to defining your custom text translations.
  • Some components and labels do not support translations yet.
  • Explore mode is not yet supported.
  • Number and date formats are not supported.