Intro to actions

Actions are user-defined interactivity that you can configure within and across workbook elements. By automating responses to specific user interactions, you can create efficient workbook workflows that produce quick and relevant data insights.

This document introduces action conditions, triggers, and effects. For information about using actions, see the Related resources section at the end of this page.

Understanding actions

Every action consists of a condition (optional), a trigger, and an effect.

Condition (optional)A rule that must be met for the action to take effect.
TriggerThe user interaction with a specific element (the trigger element).
EffectThe defined response to the interaction.

Action conditions (Beta)

You can define an optional condition for any action. The condition can be a custom formula or, if you are configuring an action for a control, the condition can be the value of the control.

For more information, see Make an action conditional (Beta).

Action triggers

Most element types can be configured as action triggers. The following table describes the user interaction that can trigger an effect for each element type.

Element typeInteraction
Table, pivot table, or input tableUser selects a cell in a specific column.
VisualizationUser selects a data point or category on the chart.
UI element
(button or image only)
User clicks the element.
Control elementUser changes the control value.

Action effects

The following table lists the types of actions you can configure on a trigger element and describes the corresponding effect.

NavigationOpen URLNavigates to an external link or destination within Sigma.
Open Sigma docNavigates to a different Sigma workbook.
Navigate in this workbookShifts the focus to the top of a specific page or an individual element in the current workbook.
Control value managementSet control valueSets the value of a specific control element in the current workbook.
Clear controlClears the values of a specific control element in the current workbook.
Element modificationModify elementModifies an element's columns, groupings, properties, or axis scale.
Refresh element

Refreshes the data of a specific element in the current workbook.

This action doesn’t apply to materialized elements.

Input table modificationInsert rows in input tablesInserts a new row in an existing input table.
Data transferDownload and exportInitiates a direct download or an export to email, Slack, webhook, or cloud storage.

Action configurations

Actions feature versatile configurations to support responses that are highly relevant to your specific needs and preferences.


  • Configure the Open URL action to open a static link, or utilize dynamic text to generate URLs that adjust to control or column values in the current workbook.
  • Configure the Set control value action to filter the trigger element itself, or create a cross-element action that filters a child element.
  • Configure the Open Sigma doc action to open another workbook in its published state, or pass values to control elements in the destination workbook to open a custom, drilled-down view.

For detailed information about configuring the different types of actions, see the Related resources section at the end of this page.