Date functions
Date functions evaluate, convert, and manipulate date and time values.
ConvertTimezone | Converts date and time values to the specified time zone. |
DateAdd | Adds a specified quantity of time to a date. |
DateDiff | Calculates the time difference between two dates. |
DateFormat | Formats a date value to text based on the format provided. |
DateFromUnix | Converts a Unix timestamp to a date value. |
DateLookback | Returns the value of a variable at a previous point in time (or lookback period) determined by a specified date and offset. |
DatePart | Extracts the specified date part from a date value. |
DateParse | Parses a text value in a specified format and returns a datetime value (date data type) in ISO format. |
DateTrunc | Truncates the date to the specified date part. |
Day | Returns the day of the month from a date value as a number. |
EndOfMonth | Returns the last day of the month from a date value. |
Hour | Returns the hour component from a date value as a number. |
InDateRange | Determines if a date falls within a specified date range and returns True or False . |
InPriorDateRange | Determines if a date falls within the date range of a prior period and returns True or False . |
LastDay | Evaluates a specified component in a date value and returns the last datetime value of that component in ISO format. |
MakeDate | Evaluates specified values representing year, month, and day units and returns a datetime value in ISO format. |
Minute | Returns an integer representing the minute component in a specified datetime value. |
Month | Returns an integer representing the month component in a specified datetime value. |
MonthName | Returns the name of the month component from a specified datetime value. |
Now | Returns the current date and time using your organization's account timezone. |
Quarter | Returns an integer representing the quarter component in a specified datetime value. |
Second | Returns an integer representing the second component in a specified datetime value. |
Today | Returns the current date using your organization's account timezone. |
Weekday | Returns an integer representing the day of the week in a specified datetime value. |
WeekdayName | Returns the name of the day of the week in a specified datetime value. |
Year | Returns an integer representing the year component in a specified datetime value. |
Updated 9 months ago