Export to Google Sheets or Drive

You can send workbooks, their pages, and individual elements to Google Sheets or Google Drive as a Google Sheet on a set schedule or an as-needed basis.

Sigma generates exports from the workbook's latest published version. Draft changes are not exported.

User requirements

The ability to export to Google Sheets requires the following:

  • You must be assigned an account type with the Export to Google Sheet permission enabled.
  • You must be the workbook owner or be granted Can explore or Can edit workbook permission.
  • You must be an Editor of the specified Google Sheet.

The ability to export to Google Drive requires the following:

  • You must be assigned an account type with the Export to Google Drive permission enabled.
  • You must be the workbook owner or be granted Can explore or Can edit workbook permission.
  • You must be a Manager, Content manager, or Contributor of the specified Google Drive folder.

Sheets vs Drive

Depending on how you want to handle the data export, choose between Google Sheets or Google Drive:

Google account authorization

The first time you schedule an export to Google Sheets or Google Drive, Sigma prompts you to authorize Sigma to export to your Google account.

Dialog showing "you can now export your data into Google Sheets. You will need to authorize Sigma to access your Google Sheets."

Click Authorize and follow the instructions on your screen.

After authorization is complete, Sigma returns to theΒ Schedule Exports dialog.

Schedule exports to Google Sheets

Exports to Google Sheets overwrite the same sheet each time the schedule runs.

To schedule an export to Google Sheets:

  1. From the workbook menu caret icon, select Schedule exports....

  2. If this is the workbook's first schedule, click Add Schedule, otherwise click + New schedule.

  3. Select Google Sheets.

    If this is the first time you've created a scheduled export to Google, Sigma prompts you to enable the integration. See Google account authorization.

  4. For Sheets URL, enter the URL of the Google Sheet that you want to export to. Use the URL visible in your web browser when viewing the Google Sheet, not the URL you copy to share the Google Sheet.

  5. Select the data to export. Only workbook elements are supported.

  6. In the Frequency section, set the delivery schedule:

    • (Optional) Select the dropdown for Daily and select Weekly, Monthly, or Custom.

      • For Daily, select Once a day or Multiple times.

      • For Weekly, select which days of the week to send an email, and choose between Once a day or Multiple times.

      • For Monthly, select which day of the month to send an email, and the time of day.

      • For Custom, specify a schedule using cron syntax. See Set up a custom delivery schedule.

        If you select Multiple times, specify the frequency. For example, every 2 hours on the :15 of the hour between 9 AM and 6 PM.

    • (Optional) Adjust the default schedule time zone using the dropdown menu.

  7. (Optional) Select the checkbox for Customize control values to filter the exported data according to the value of one or more workbook controls. See Configure additional options for exports.

  8. Click Create.

Schedule exports to Google Drive

Exports to Google Drive create a new sheet every time the report is exported. Sheets are saved in a folder dedicated to the individual export.

To schedule exports to Google Drive:

  1. From the workbook menu caret icon, select Schedule exports....

  2. If this is the first schedule for the workbook, click Add Schedule, otherwise click + New schedule.

  3. Select Google Drive.

    If this is the first time you've created a scheduled export to Google, Sigma prompts you to enable the integration. See Google account authorization.

  4. (Optional) You can define conditions for when Sigma sends the export. To turn on conditions, click the Condition toggle. For more information, see Schedule exports using conditions.

  5. For Drive folder, enter a name for a new folder to contain the export. You cannot use an existing folder. Every export creates a Google Sheet in the destination folder with a name that matches the following structure:
    <Timestamp> - <Sigma Document Name>

  6. Click Create Folder.
    Sigma creates the new folder for you and displays the URL to the folder.

  7. Select the data to export. Only workbook elements are supported.

  8. In the Frequency section, set the delivery schedule:

    • (Optional) Select the dropdown for Daily and select Weekly, Monthly, or Custom.

      • For Daily, select Once a day or Multiple times.

      • For Weekly, select which days of the week to send an email, and choose between Once a day or Multiple times.

      • For Monthly, select which day of the month to send an email, and the time of day.

      • For Custom, specify a schedule using cron syntax. See Set up a custom delivery schedule.

        If you select Multiple times, specify the frequency. For example, every 2 hours on the :15 of the hour between 9 AM and 6 PM.

    • (Optional) Adjust the default schedule time zone using the dropdown menu.

  9. (Optional) Select the checkbox for Customize control values to filter the exported data according to the value of one or more workbook controls. See Configure additional options for exports.

  10. Click Create.