Sort filter values

This article covers how to sort include and exclude filters. It is relevant to both filter control elements and data element filters.

Important: Include and Exclude filters/controls only show up to the top 200 values.


None. Anyone with permission to view a workbook can access all visible filters.
Want to hide a filter?

Sort Options

The following options are available for all include/exclude filters:

  • Descending by count (default)
  • Ascending by count
  • Descending by alpha-numeric (Z-A and 9-0)
  • Ascending by alpha-numeric (A-Z and 0-9)

Select a Sort Option

  1. Click the filter.
  2. Click the filter (Screen_Shot_2022-04-11_at_1.54.58_PM.png) button located in the top right corner of the dropdown.
  3. Select a sort option.