Dataset Materialization API


GET /v2/datasets/{datasetId}/materialization

Returns a list of materializations for the dataset.

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POST /v2/datasets/{datasetId}/materialization

Initiates a new materialization of the specified dataset.

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The Materialization Instance Object

When a dataset’s materialization history is requested, one or more materialization objects may be included in the list of entries. In progress materializations are not included.


error object | null

A Json error, if hit.

Response object structure:

code: string,
errorCode?: string | null,
message: string | null

finishedAt string

The timestamp at which the materialization completed.

runtimeSecs number | null

The materialization’s runtime, in seconds.

numBytes number | null

The size of the materialized table, in bytes.

numRows number | null

The number of table rows materialized.

status string | null

The materialization’s status: β€œsuccess” | β€œfailed” | β€œmarked” | β€œswept”.

Note: β€œmarked” and β€œswept” statuses refer to the cleanup of old materialized tables.

"error": null,
"finishedAt": "2021-10-07T23:11:56.986Z",
"runtimeSecs": 2,
"numBytes": 471552,
"numRows": 12172,
"status": "success"

The Materialization History Object

Returned in response to a request to list a dataset’s materialization history.


entries Array

A list of materialization instances matching the requested parameters.

Default number of entries per page: 50

hasMore boolean

True if additional materialization instances are available.

total number

That total number of materialization instances, including those on other pages.

nextPage string | null

The next page in the list of materializations. Used for pagination.

"entries": [
"hasMore": true,
"total": 93,
"nextPage": "50"

List a Dataset's Materialization History

Returns a list of materializations for a given dataset. Pagination may be required to access all available instances.

GET /v2/datasets/{datasetId}/materialization

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  • You will only have access to the datasets available to the user account associated with the API token.
  • The user account associated with the API token must have access to materializations. By default, materializations are only available to Admins and Creators.Note: If you encounter a permission error for the given endpoint, check with your organization Admin to verify your account type and permissions associated with your API token.


page string [optional]

An identifier used for pagination.

limit number [optional]

The number of materialization entries to be returned.

cURL Request

curl --location --request GET '{datasetId}/materialization?page={page}&limit={limit} \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \


Returns Array.

"entries": [
"hasMore": boolean,
"total": number,
"nextPage": string | null


Example Request:

curl --location --request GET ' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \

Example Response:

"entries": [
"error": null,
"finishedAt": "2021-10-08T01:25:23.966Z",
"runtimeSecs": 1,
"numBytes": 266240,
"numRows": 6999,
"status": "success"
"error": null,
"finishedAt": "2021-10-07T23:11:56.986Z",
"runtimeSecs": 2,
"numBytes": 471563,
"numRows": 12172,
"status": "success"
"hasMore": false,
"total": 2,
"nextPage": null

Initiate a Materialization

Initiates a new materialization of the specified dataset.

POST /v2/datasets/{datasetId}/materialization

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  • The user account associated with the API token must have permission to run a materialization on the specified dataset.Note: If you encounter a permission error for the given endpoint, check with your organization Admin to verify your account type and permissions associated with your API token.


None, however as this is a POST request it is necessary to send an empty JSON object in the body

cURL Request

curl --location --request POST '{datasetId}/materialization \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--d '{}'


Returns an object containing a taskId (a unique string value identifying the materialization task).

"taskId": string


Example Request:

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--d '{}'

Example Response:

"taskId": "add91d11-c685-44f7-a647-903923badbb3"

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