Iterate embedded workbooks with version tagging

Version tagging allows you to streamline your workbook development cycle using tags to manage, control, and organize workbook iterations. For example, your organization can utilize Development, Staging, and Production version tags to develop workbooks, migrate changes as needed, and control which versions are accessible to specific users.ging allows you to streamline your workbook development cycle using tags to manage, control, and organize workbook iterations. For example, your organization can utilize Development, Staging, and Production version tags to develop workbooks, migrate changes as needed, and control which versions are accessible to specific users.

The details of the tagging process is detailed on this documentation page.

When leveraging Version Tagging in the context of Embedding, customers often what to have programatic control over content promotions and leverage source control platforms that they already use in their development workflows (for example, Github or BitBucket).

This process is more involved as it uses less of the Sigma UI and instead uses Sigma's REST API and third-party source control systems.

For those interested in a step-by-step instruction, please review this QuickStart.