Workbook API


GET /v2/workbooks

Returns a list of available workbooks.
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GET /v2/workbooks/{workbookId}

Returns a workbook object based on a unique workbook identifier, workbookId.

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GET /v2/workbooks/{workbookId}/pages

Β  Β  Β  Returns the list of pages in a workbook.

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GET /v2/workbooks/{workbookId}/controls

Β  Β  Β  Returns the list of controls in a workbook.
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GET /v2/workbooks/{workbookId}/embeds

Returns a list of available embeds for a specific workbook.
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GET /v2/workbooks/{workbookId}/pages/{pageId}/elements

Β  Β  Β  Returns the list of elements in a workbook page.

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The Workbook Object


workbookId string

The workbook’s unique identifier.

workbookUrlId string

The workbook’s unique identifier as shown in the workbook's URL.

createdBy string

The unique identifier, memberId, of the organization member who created the workbook.

updatedBy string

The unique identifier, memberId, of the organization member who last modified changes to the workbook.

createdAt string

The timestamp at which the workbook was created.

updatedAt string

The timestamp at which the workbook was last modified.

name string

The workbook name.

url string

The URL path to the workbook.

path string

The Sigma file system path to the workbook.

latestVersion number

The version number of the workbook.Β 

tags array

Array containing "versionTagId" and "name" for Version Tags.

IsArchived boolean | undefined

True if the workbook has been archived.

"workbookId": string,
"workbookUrlId": string,
"createdBy": string,
"updatedBy": string,
"createdAt": string,
"updatedAt": string,
"name": string,
"url": string,
"path": string,
"latestVersion": number,
"isArchived": boolean,
"tags": array

The Workbook List Object


entries Array

A list of workbooks matching the requested parameters.

Default number of entries per page: 50

hasMore boolean

True if additional workbooks are available (accessible but not included in the current list).

total number

That total number of available workbooks, including those on other pages.

Workbooks in the organization that are not accessible by the user are excluded from this count.

Note: If your organization has over 10,000 workbooks, the total displayed here never exceeds 10,000. The additional workbooks are active and available.

nextPage string | null

The next page in the list of workbooks. Used for pagination.

"entries": [
"hasMore": boolean,
"total": number,
"nextPage": string

List Workbooks

Returns a list of available workbooks.

GET /v2/workbooks

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  • You will onlyΒ  have access to the workbooks available in Sigma to the user account associated with the API access token.
    Note: If you encounter a permission error for the given endpoint, check with your organization Admin to verify your account type and permissions associated with your API token.


page string [optional]

An identifier used for pagination.

limit number [optional]

The number of workbooks to be returned.

cURL Request

curl --location --request GET '{page}&limit={limit} \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \


Returns Array.

"entries": [
"hasMore": boolean,
"total": number,
"nextPage": string | null }


Example Request:

curl --location --request GET '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \

Example Response:

"entries": [
"workbookId": "dbaf643d-cba5-40c0-b0f5-6bc529659ab5",
"workbookUrlId": "3isLx3RUNrtTZMnoAWv8ns",
"createdBy": "8C2szXPJqLXpIevcD5adESnwfPUpp",
"updatedBy": "8C2szXPJqLXpIezcD5adESnwfPUpp",
"createdAt": "2021-10-04T20:36:40.960Z",
"updatedAt": "2021-10-11T18:38:16.978Z",
"name": "Plugs Electronics Sales Performance",
"url": "",
"path": "Sales Workspace/Sales Performance",
"latestVersion": 2,
"isArchived": false,
"tags": [
"versionTagId": "a621701c-fb21-4cb3-a5f9-2aaa730f181b",
"name": "Production"
"workbookId": "9551t76d-23f7-4195-ad98-d9d2578c7d05",
"workbookUrlId": "1VtbkbnVZzqHUvHvtUKrHI",
"createdBy": "8C2szXPJqLXpIevcD5adESnwfPUpp",
"updatedBy": "6VZpXc5Pl6XpIezcD5adtYi23Pt1u",
"createdAt": "2021-10-04T21:14:25.963Z",
"updatedAt": "2021-10-07T21:01:40.848Z",
"name": "Sales by Product Group",
"url": "",
"path": "Sales Workspace/Sales Performance",
"latestVersion": 1,
"isArchived": true
"hasMore": false,
"total": 2,
"nextPage": null

Look up a Workbook

Returns a workbook object based on a unique identifier, workbookId.

GET /v2/workbooks/{workbookId}

Try it in Swagger


  • You will only have access to the workbooks available in Sigma to the user account associated with the API access token.
    Note: If you encounter a permission error for the given endpoint, check with your organization Admin to verify your account type and permissions associated with your API token.



cURL Request

curl --location --request GET '{workbookId} \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \


Returns a workbook object.

"workbookId": string,
"workbookUrlId": string,
"createdBy": string,
"updatedBy": string,
"createdAt": string,
"updatedAt": string,
"name": string,
"url": string,
"path": string,
"latestVersion": number,
"isArchived": boolean,
"tags": array


Example Request:

curl --location --request GET '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \

Example Response:

"workbookId": "dbaf643d-cba5-40c0-b0f5-6bc529659ab5",
"workbookUrlId": "3isLx3RUNrtTZMnoAWv8ns",
"createdBy": "8C2szXPJqLXpIevcD5adESnwfPUpp",
"updatedBy": "8C2szXPJqLXpIezcD5adESnwfPUpp",
"createdAt": "2021-10-04T20:36:40.960Z",
"updatedAt": "2021-10-11T18:38:16.978Z",
"name": "Plugs Electronics Sales Performance",
"url": "",
"path": "Sales Workspace/Sales Performance",
"latestVersion": 2,
"isArchived": false,
"tags": [
"versionTagId": "a621701c-fb21-4cb3-a5f9-2aaa730f181b",
"name": "Production"

List pages in a workbook

Returns a list of available embeds for a specific workbook.

GET /v2/workbooks/{workbookId}/pages


  • You will onlyΒ  have access to the workbooks available in Sigma to the user account associated with the API access token.

Path Parameters

workbookId string [required]

The workbook’s unique identifier.

Query Parameters

page string [optional]

An identifier used for pagination.

limit number [optional]

The number of workbooks to be returned.

tag string [optional]

The name of a tag, if applied. Different tagged versions can have different pages.

cURL Request

curl --location --request GET '{workbookId}/pages \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \


"entries": [
"pageId": "string",
"name": "string",
"hidden": false
"nextPage": "string",
"total": 0

List Workbook Controls

Returns the list of controls in a workbook.

GET /v2/workbooks/{workbookId}/controls


  • You will onlyΒ  have access to the workbooks available in Sigma to the user account associated with the API access token.

Path Parameters

workbookId string [required]

The workbook’s unique identifier.

Query Parameters

page string [optional]

An identifier used for pagination.

limit number [optional]

The number of workbooks to be returned.

cURL Request

curl --location --request GET '{workbookId}/controls \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \


"entries": [
"name": "string",
"valueType": "string"
"nextPage": "string",
"total": 0

List Embeds for a workbook

Returns a list of available embeds for a specific workbook.

GET /v2/workbooks/{workbookId}/embeds


  • You will onlyΒ  have access to the workbooks available in Sigma to the user account associated with the API access token.

Path Parameters

workbookId string [required]

The workbook’s unique identifier.

Query Parameters

page string [optional]

An identifier used for pagination.

limit number [optional]

The number of workbooks to be returned.

cURL Request

curl --location --request GET '{workbookId}/embeds \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \


"entries": [
"embedId": "string",
"embedUrl": "string",
"public": false
"nextPage": "string",
"total": 0,
"hasMore": false

Return elements in a workbook page

Returns the list of elements in a workbook page.

GET /v2/workbooks/{workbookId}/pages/{pageId}/elements


  • You will onlyΒ  have access to the workbooks available in Sigma to the user account associated with the API access token.

Path Parameters

workbookId string [required]

The workbook’s unique identifier.

pageId string [required]

The page's unique identifier.

Query Parameters

page string [optional]

An identifier used for pagination.

limit number [optional]

The number of workbooks to be returned.

cURL Request

curl --location --request GET '{workbookId}/pages/{pageId}/elements \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \


"entries": [
"elementId": "string",
"name": "string",
"type": "string",
"columns": ["string"],
"vizualizationType": "string",
"error": "string"
"nextPage": "string",
"total": 0