Swap template data sources

Swap the data sources used by a workbook template. You can swap from one connection to another, and/or from one dataset to another.

Usage notes

  • Retrieve the templateId by calling the /v2/templates endpoint.

  • Retrieve the connectionId to use as the toId by calling the /v2/connections endpoint.

  • To map the sources of a specific element, you can use the table or dataset ID:

    • Retrieve the fromId for a specific data element by calling the /v2/workbooks/{workbookId}/lineage/elements/{elementId} endpoint and using the source key from the response, which looks like inode-2PBoXx3UabchxF1F3l07kE. The ID is everything after inode-.
    • Retrieve table and dataset IDs by calling the /v2/files endpoint. Use the typeFilters option to filter for table and dataset files. Use id field in the response as the fromId or toId, as relevant.
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