
ConvertTimezone function enhancement

The ConvertTimezone function now supports an optional from_timezone argument that allows you to specify the time zone from which the datetime value is converted. This argument can be used when the data’s originating time zone differs from your organization’s configured account time zone.

For more information, see ConvertTimezone.

MakeDate function enhancement

The MakeDate function now supports optional hour, minute, and second arguments that enable more precision when specifying the datetime components.

For more information, see MakeDate.

Workbook elements

Permanent filter icon display

The element toolbar for data elements now includes a filter icon at all times, regardless of whether a filter or control is already applied. This update enables quick access to filtering options for every data element added to the workbook.

Workbook features

Dynamic page visibility (Beta)

Dynamic page visibility allows you to restrict the visibility of individual workbook pages based on specific users and teams. By default, pages are visible to all users with permission to view, explore, or edit the workbook, but you can now choose from three options:

Hide page from all usersHides page from all users when the workbook is open in View or Explore mode.
Show page to all users
Shows page to all users when the workbook is open in any mode.
Only show to select users or teamsShows page to select users and teams when the workbook is open in any mode. Hides page from unselected users when the workbook is open in View or Explore mode.


Page visibility settings apply to View and Explore mode only. The workbook owner and all users with Can edit access to the particular workbook can access all pages in Edit mode, regardless of page visibility settings.

For more information, see Customize workbook page visibility.


View embed URL in Embed Sandbox

When an embed is loaded in the sandbox environment, you can now click a View Url option to display the embed URL.

JavaScript event for bookmark creation

The following JavaScript event emits when a user creates a bookmark on an embedded workbook:

    type: 'workbook:bookmark:oncreate';
    bookmarkName: string;
    workbookId: string;
    versionTagName: string | null;
    bookmarkId: string;

Workbook elements

Text input control type

The former Text box control element has been renamed to Text input to differentiate it from the Text UI element.

Workbook features

Actions (Beta)

Actions allow you to configure interactivity within and across elements in a workbook. By automating responses to specific user interactions, you can create efficient workbook workflows that produce quick and relevant data insights.

Workbook actions also support dynamic cross-element filtering, which enables user interactions with one element to automatically filter the data of other elements in the same workbook. For example, when a user clicks a data point in one chart (the trigger element), Sigma automatically applies a filter to another chart (the target element) using the dimension value of the clicked data point (see the interactive demo).

For more information about workbook actions, see Create and manage workbook actions and Configure cross-element filters.

Design improvements for scheduled exports

The Schedule Exports modal has been redesigned to improve discoverability and the overall user experience when scheduling an export.

Underlying data enhancements for visualizations (Beta)

Underlying data is now accessible from individual data points in visualization elements. Right-click and left-click menus for data points both feature Show underlying data options that open an enhanced Underlying Data modal. You can explore the underlying data for specific data points or the entire chart by modifying filters, adding and removing columns, and interacting directly with the chart and data table.

Bug fix

  • Can write only permission set at the connection level no longer blocks additive permissions set at the schema or database table levels.


Expansion to AWS UK and additional language support

Sigma is now deployed in AWS UK in compliance with UK GDPR (Data Protection Act 2018). Located in London, United Kingdom, the deployment gives customers in the UK more control over data storage while enabling compliance with internal policies and external data residency requirements.

To accompany the region expansion, Sigma now supports the English (United Kingdom) (en-gb) locale for enhanced localization. When enabled, dates display as DD/MM/YYYY or Day Month Year, and time displays in the 24-hour format.

Workbook elements

Dynamic element titles

Workbook element titles now support dynamic values. This update allows you to create more relevant and detailed element titles that adapt to selected control values.

For more information, see Create a dynamic title in Customize element title.

Input table row deletion

You can now delete any row (saved or unsaved) when editing an input table in the permitted workbook version (based on element’s data entry permission).

The ability to delete saved rows was previously restricted when the data entry permission was set to Only on Published version. Therefore, users could only delete unsaved rows while editing an input table in a workbook’s published version. This update removes the restriction and allows users to delete any row while editing the draft (via Edit mode) or published version (via View or Explore mode).

Bug fix

  • Sigma now exports a tagged workbook version to Google Drive without requiring recipients to have access to the source workbook.


New system functions

CurrentUserFirstNameReturns the current (signed-in) user’s first name as configured in the user’s profile.
CurrentUserFullNameReturns the current (signed-in) user’s first and last name as configured in the user’s profile.

Workbook elements

Bold font style in conditional formatting for tables

Conditional formatting for table elements now features a Bold font option in the Apply > Styles section.

Workbook features

Dynamic text style update

In workbook Edit mode, the pill-style display of dynamic text has been updated to a more sleek and simple underlined format for enhanced readability.

Bug fix

  • Resolved an issue that periodically caused the Move tag to functionality to incorrectly apply the selected tag to a previous workbook version.


Self-serve audit logging features (Beta)

The Administration portal now includes an Account > General Settings > Audit Logging section that supports the following self-serve features:

  • Sigma Audit Logs: Enable audit logging by activating the Sigma Audit Logs connection.
  • Create an Audit Logs Storage Integration: Add a cloud storage integration specifically for exporting audit log data to AWS, Azure, or GCP.

For more information, see Enable audit logging and Create an audit logs storage integration.


Column-level security (GA)

Column-level security is now generally available.

The feature provides admins with the flexibility to restrict or grant access to column-level data. This granular control over data access allows your organization to secure sensitive or confidential information, ensuring it’s accessible to authorized users only.

For more information, see Column-level security.

Bug fix

  • Sigma successfully exports a tagged workbook version when recipients have access to the tagged version. The export no longer relies on recipients’ access to the source workbook.

Workbook elements

Customizable table styles (Beta)

Customize style and format settings for table, pivot table, and input table elements.

Sigma provides style presets for out-of-the-box aesthetics and readability, and you can customize all style components independently for more personalized table designs. For more information about table style options and how to customize them, see Customize table styles.

Calculation columns in input tables

Calculation columns allow you to use formulas to populate input table column data. To utilize a calculation column, open the element menu, select Add new column > Calculation, then enter a formula in the formula bar.

Duplicate input table columns

Duplicate columns in input table elements the same way you can in table and pivot table elements. Click the caret () in the column header to open the column menu, then select Duplicate column.

Highlight rows with {value}

The highlight functionality allows you to quickly identify rows with a common value. Right-click any cell containing the value you want to highlight, then click Highlight rows with {value}. Sigma automatically creates a conditional formatting rule that can be modified or deleted in the Element format panel.

Workbook features

Enhanced version tag review workflow

When a user doesn’t have permission to use a protected tag, they can submit a request for an authorized user to review and apply the tag (authorized users include all Admin users and any user who’s granted permission to use the tag and also assigned to an account type with the Create, edit, and publish workbooks permission enabled). This action triggers the following improved review and approval workflow:

  1. Sigma notifies authorized users of the request by email and directly in the application.

  2. Authorized users can review the request in the workbook’s version history.

  3. Sigma provides a reviewer with the option to approve or deny the request. If the reviewer approves the request, they can set the requested tag or choose a different one.

  4. Sigma removes the request from the version history and notifies the requesting user of the reviewer’s action by email and directly in Sigma.

While the request is pending, the user who submitted it can return to the version tag feature and update their request.

Version tag filter in version history

Filter a workbook’s version history by applied or requested version tag to view a more focused list of records.

Bug fixes

  • POST /v2/teams API no longer limits the number of team members returned.
  • Badges are now applied to the source workbook and visible on all tagged versions of the workbook.