What's new in Sigma


Improved data source selection UI in embeds

Select data sources for workbook elements using a new popover UI. With the new experience, you can search for data sources, review a list of suggested sources, and preview data sources. Preview a data source to review the source data and choose specific columns to apply to the element.

For more information, see Create a data element.

Workbook features

Restore a workbook to a previous change

You can now restore a workbook to a previous change in the edit history for a draft or previously published version.

For more details, see Workbook versions and version history.

Bug fixes

  • Swapping data sources when promoting a workbook from one tag to another tag now works as expected.
  • When creating a dynamic title, the type ahead suggestions in the formula bar in the overlay now include the available table columns as well as controls.
  • When responsive height is enabled in an embedded object, opening a modal in the embedded content now displays the modal at the current scroll position.