What's new in Sigma


User attributes for members

Admins can now assign user attributes and specific values to individual members. Previously, admins could assign attributes and values to teams only.

For more information, see User attributes.


New response field for List Embeds endpoint

The List Embeds endpoint, GET/v2/workbooks/{workbookId}/embeds, now includes a public response field. If the embed is public, the response returns true.

Workbook elements

Text element background options

In the Element properties panel, choose to show or hide the text element background area. Enabling the background creates a card display and adds padding around the text content for consistency with data elements and input tables. You can then select a custom background color from the color palette or picker, or you can keep the default selection based on the workbook theme.

For more information, see Customize element background.

Workbook features

Annotated screenshots in comments

Capture and annotate element screenshots, then share them in workbook comments to preserve point-in-time data and add important context to discussions.

For more information, see Annotate element images as comments.

Option to request permission to explore workbooks

Users with Viewer licenses can now request permission to explore workbooks by clicking Request explore access in any workbook header. Admins receive the request and can upgrade a user’s license by reassigning them to an account type with the Explore workbooks permission enabled.

For more information, see Access Explore mode from View mode.