2021 release notes archive
December 22, 2021
- Columns created via lookup can now be duplicated via their column menu. When you select the duplicate column action, you will be prompted to choose between (1) duplicating the column or (2) adding more columns from the lookup-joined table to your current table.
- A Permission Denied modal will now be displayed if you attempt to publish or save changes you do not have permission to publish/save. This modal will inform you what permissions are needed.
December 21, 2021
- You will now see a warning modal if you attempt to open a stale workbook draft. This warning aims to prevent users from accidentally losing their latest changes by unintentionally editing an out-of-date draft.
December 17, 2021
- Bar charts now support editor-defined gap widths between bars.
- Bar charts now automatically hide null values when their x-axis is set to use a non-ordinal scale (i.e. linear, log, pow, sqrt).
- Additional informational text is now displayed for users attempting to add auto refresh schedules to workbooks. This new text alerts them of the following: Setting frequent auto-refresh schedules may result in significant warehouse costs.
- A close button (x) has been added at the top right of the workbook comments panel.
- The Invite Users modal now accepts lists of email addresses separated by semicolons. Previously, only comma separated lists were accepted.
December 15, 2021
- Template header menus now have a Save as option.
December 13, 2021
- A share template option is now displayed as part of the create template from workbook workflow.
- Null values are now sorted the same in both workbook tables and pivot tables. They appear at the top of the column when it is sorted ascending and at the bottom when it’s descending.
December 9, 2021
- You now have access to relative subtotals in workbook pivot tables. These values are available on both axes and can be referenced in the formula bar by their pseudo-column names: Row Total (e.g. [Column Name (Row Total)]) and Parent Row Total (e.g. [Column Name (Parent Row Total)]).
- Fixed: Scientific notation was not properly recognized and translated from uploaded CSVs.
- Fixed: Sigma’s “publishing conflict” warning message, displayed when a user is about to publish over other’s recent published versions, was no longer present. This warning has been re-added.
- Fixed: Nulls were incorrectly displayed as 0 in line, area, scatter, and combo charts.
December 8, 2021
- Continuing improvements have been made to Sigma’s auto-naming of calculated columns.
- A Delete button has been added to at the bottom of the Schedule Exports modal for all individual scheduled exports.
- Line and area charts using Linear, Log, Pow, or Sqrt scale types now default to exclude all null values on their x-axis.
- Data exported as .XLSX did not accurately reflect organization-defined time zones.
- The Team object returned from a request to the GET v2/teams/{teamId} endpoint now includes a list of team member ids. See Get a team.
- Fixed: Box plots did not properly reflect filtered data in Q1, median, and Q3 calculations.
December 7, 2021
- Fixed: A set of issues were encountered in workbook elements sourced by custom-SQL-built workbook tables. All issues have been resolved.
December 6, 2021
- We’ve added weekly auto-reload behavior to open Sigma pages. If a browser page has been open to Sigma for at least four days, the page will auto-reload the following Sunday.
- A Create Template button is now available at the top of your Sigma Template gallery. Learn more about templates
- Workbook tables no longer display expand and collapse icons for grouped columns when all lower-level columns are hidden.
- Fixed: The DateParse function was interpreting values as UTC even if an alternative organization-wide time zone was set.
- Fixed: In an edge case, exported PDFs displayed an Updated Sources modal over content. This modal only appears when one or more of a workbook’s data source(s) changes; it notifies the workbook’s editor, who can then choose whether to update the workbook based on those changes.
December 3, 2021
- Fixed: Conditional formatting data bars were not displaying correctly in pivot tables.
December 2, 2021
- Workbook pivot tables now support conditional formatting for total values.
- Filters used for warehouse data editing are now saved for each user, allowing editors to reuse the same filters day after day without having to recreate them each time.
- New function alert: DateFormat formats date values into text based on a given format.
November 30, 2021
- You can now download workbook pages as PDFs directly from their page tab, located at the bottom of the screen.
- Fixed: Scheduled Slack exports were failing in some cases for workbooks using auto-refresh.
November 24, 2021
- Lookup and Rollup generated columns are now automatically named based on the column they reference, rather than using the default calculated column name: Calc.
- The option to create a sharable link is now disabled for users who do not have permission to share a document with “all members”.
November 23, 2021
- You can now turn your workbooks into reusable templates.
This allows you and your teams to share existing workbook structures for quick and consistent reuse.
November 22, 2021
- Improvements have been made to prevent overcrowding of data labels in combo charts.
- Workbook schema requests (GET v2/workbooks/{workbookId}/schema) now accept an optional includeSql URL query (boolean). The API response only includes SQL if this value is true.
- Fixed: Formula bar autocomplete was not working correctly for dataset linked columns referenced in workbooks.
- Fixed: Some newly added password-authenticated users were granted Admin account types. All accounts added this way should default to Viewer access.
November 17, 2021
- Workbook drill downs now support date truncation, allowing you to drill into multiple levels of date granularity.
- Workbook tables and pivot tables now support the option to apply any single conditional formatting rule to all columns.
- The Admin Portal’s Account page now supports member sorting, like the People page.
- Fixed: URL links in workbook table columns were left off when exported to .xls.
November 16, 2021
- Workbook editors can now rearrange the order of categories in drill controls, using drag and drop.
- Column totals in workbook tables can now be referenced in the formula bar with a (Grand Total) label. For example, column totals for an aggregated column [Sum of Population 2020] can be accessed as [Sum of Population 2020 (Grand Total)].
- Toggle switches have replaced Enable/Disable buttons in the Admin Portal’s Account page’s Feature section.
- The Truncate column names formatting option for workbook tables has been renamed to Wrap column names.
- Fixed: Null values were labeled as 0s on bar chart x-axes.
- Fixed: Organization-defined time zones were not applied to date filters in application embedded dashboards. Instead, dates were displayed in UTC.
- Fixed: Workbook elements’ export menus were appearing when the option should not be available.
- Fixed: Column tooltip colors were displayed incorrectly in some stacked area charts.
- Fixed: PDF exports were displaying the column menu icon in table headers. This icon should not be visible in PDF exports.
November 12, 2021
- [Beta] Workbooks now support custom plugins. Use Sigma’s Plugin API to build custom visualizations for your team to use directly in Sigma. Get started.
November 10, 2021
- Attention Admins: You can now make custom account types with permission to create and edit organization level custom fonts and workbook themes. To assign this permission, select the Custom Fonts and Workbook Themes option when creating a custom account type.
- The Admin Portal’s Account page now has two sub pages: General Settings and Brand Settings.
- You can now copy gauge chart text when you right-click on the visualization.
- A new keyboard shortcut is available for column remaining. Click Shift + R when a column or cell is selected and the column name will be selected for renaming.
- Right-click popup menus now match any theme colors or fonts applied to the workbook.
November 9, 2021
- Organization custom email branding is now available from the Admin Portal. This feature allows Admins to apply their company's brand to all data export emails sent from their Sigma organization. Learn more
- US Zip codes are now supported by regional map visualizations. To use this feature, create a Map – Region visualization, add your zip code column to the Region field, and select “US Zip codes” from the field’s dropdown menu.
- You can now apply conditional formatting to workbook pivot table totals.
- You can now copy single value visualization text when you right-click on the visualization.
- Columns with links to other data sources now have more prominent styling. Learn more about linked columns.
- Datasets’ Lineage tabs now include the workbook document type in their filter options. This allows you to include or exclude this document type in your lineage search.
November 8, 2021
- Pivot table subtotals are now accessible from the formula bar. This is done by injecting the sub row/column’s title into the referenced column’s title (e.g. [Sales Amount (Product Family)] would find the subtotal of [Sales Amount] for each [Product Family]).
- Column mapping statistics are now provided when creating a new column through a lookup. Learn more about Lookups (beta).
- Box and whisker charts now include Split By values in tooltips.
- Single value visions now have an option placement option for comparisons. They can be positioned either to the right of or directly below the primary value
- Pivot tables now support row and column collapsing in explore mode, when expanded.
November 4, 2021
- New function alert: RowAvg returns the average value of the input numbers.
- Workbook tables now display their titles by default when created. Titles can be switched off from the element’s format tab, located in the workbook editor panel.
- You can now reorder values via drag and drop when creating workbook parameter lists.
- Fixed: Multiple drill downs on a single visualization were causing duplicate filters.
November 2, 2021
- Sigma’s public API is now available for your development teams to integrate with Sigma. Get started
- Attention Admins: Two-factor email authentication is now available for organizations with password-authenticated users. Learn more
- Box and whisker charts now include in their auto-generated title the name of the column used for Split By.
- Fixed: In certain cases, scheduling condition options were missing from their selection menu.
November 1, 2021
- Workbook editor-defined visualization drill paths are now available for workbook consumers, when they right click on the visualization. Workbook editors can now create drill controls directly through the right-click menu as well.
- Workbooks now offer a Presentation mode. This option automatically generates a presentable private embed version of the workbook with your current control selection(s) applied. These control values are appended to the URL.
Presentation mode is accessible from workbooks’ header menus. - New function alert: WeekdayName returns the name of the weekday that matches the input date.
- Chart axis labels now support larger fonts. Previously font size was capped at 24px.
- Fixed: Custom color selection was not reflected in line chart legends.
- [Beta] Custom email branding options are now undergoing beta testing. Please contact your Account Representative if you are interested in participating. Learn more
October 28, 2021
- You can add bulleted lists and numbered lists to workbook text elements.
- Workbook combo charts now support data labels.
- Fixed: Some scheduled exports were failing.
- Fixed: An authentication issue caused users to be logged out while working in Sigma.
- Fixed: Some columns displayed "Invalid Query Column" errors when downloaded.
October 27, 2021
- Attention Admins: A series of updates have been made to the Sigma Usage Dashboards located in your Admin Portal. By page, the changes are as follows:
- Query Details dashboard:
- Document name, document type, and document URL are now available for some queries.
- Fixed: URLs now direct you to the document where the query originated.
- Fixed: additional small issues
- Query Performance dashboard:
- Fixed: small issues
- Queries by Day dashboard:
- Fixed: The "Median Query Time" heat map was under-reporting times.
- Query Summary dashboard:
- Fixed: The "Number of Queries by User Type" chart had undercounted the number of queries since July 2021.
- Users dashboard:
- Fixed: The "Active Users" and "Queries Per User" charts had undercounted the number of queries since July 2021.
- Fixed: The "# of Active users" chart had slightly undercounted the number of active users that ran a query since July 2021.
- Query Details dashboard:
October 26, 2021
- New visualization type alert! Box and whisker charts are now available for workbooks. This chart type displays the distribution of a set of values along an axis.
- You can now apply workbook control values directly to scheduled exports.
- Workbook visualizations now support custom sorting.
- You can now add vertical x-axis reference lines to combo charts.
- Organization Admins can now create custom account types with scheduled export permissions. By default, Admins, Creators and Explores have this permission but Viewers do not.
October 22, 2021
- Workbook pivot table columns widths can now be equalized.
- Column totals in workbook tables can now be referenced in the formula bar with a Summary – prefix. For example, column totals for an aggregated column [Sum of Population 2020] can be accessed as [Summary – Sum of Population 2020].
- Clicking columns with an active formula bar now results in the clicked column being entered into the formula. This is available for both columns and column totals (represented in the formula bar with a Summary – prefix)
- Workbook parameter lists now maintain source column formatting.
October 21, 2021
- Fixed: Line charts were not displaying values when there was only one point.
- Fixed: Inherited column formatting was broken in some visualizations.
October 20, 2021
- Columns referenced in formulas are now highlighted when the formula-based column is selected.
- Fixed: Trellis row/column sorting was broken.
- Fixed: Previous login sessions were persisting for users switching between multiple organizations in multiple tabs.
October 14, 2021
- A quick select navigation menu has replaced the back arrow in page headers. Use this menu to identify your location and navigate to other locations in Sigma.
- Fixed: Workbook buttons configured to download a PDF of the workbook were not respecting relevant filters.
- Fixed: Workbook tables’ conditional formatting buttons were disappearing intermittently.
October 13, 2021
- Workbook explorers can now view underlying SQL for data elements sourced by custom SQL.
- Workbook editors can now set a text size for comparisons in single value visualizations.
October 11, 2021
- Warnings for errored queries are now displayed in the query history modal, when available.
October 8, 2021
- Workbook editors can now select the placement of legends in visualizations.
October 7, 2021
- Combo charts now support line shape formatting options.
- A Request Access button will now be displayed in workbook elements that are not accessible to the organization member's account.
- Pivot table elements now support the option to be defined from a select aggregate groupings on their parent element. This option is available from the data sources popup, located at the bottom of the editor panel when an element is selected. The aggregation level selector will only appear if the parent element contains groupings.
- A sidebar has been added to the left side of Workbooks. This new feature provides workbook editors with quick navigation options. The Add new element button is now access from this sidebar.
- Fixed: Names of selected themes were not displaying correctly in workbooks.
October 6, 2021
- You and your teammates can now leave comments on individual elements in workbooks. Kick off your collaboration with comments.
- Fixed: Dashboard buttons configured to download a PDF of the dashboard were not respecting dashboard or parameterized worksheet filters.
- Fixed: Changes made to the name of an organization's initial workspace were not being reflected everywhere in Sigma.
October 1, 2021
- Dashboard embed links can now be reassigned to workbooks.
- Datasets now support data versioning similar to that of other Sigma document types (e.g. workbooks).
- When selecting new targets for workbook controls, you will now see potential target elements organized by workbook page.
- Fixed: Embedded workbooks were not showing up on the Embedding page in the Admin Portal.
- Fixed: Visualizations were required to have at least one text field to support drill downs, regardless of whether the drill down was text-based.
- Fixed: Combo chart were displaying incorrectly when null date values were plotted on a line's x-axis.
- Fixed: Single value visualization on dashboards were changing their value when resized.
September 30, 2021
Fixed: Embed links were failing if their creator’s account was deactivated.
September 28, 2021
Workbook editors can now choose whether they would like to include totals in pivot table conditional formats. The default setting excludes them.
September 24, 2021
- A new function has been added to Sigma’s function index. BitOr returns the bitwise OR of two integers. Learn more
- Workbook trellis charts now support label and title formatting options for trellis rows and
- Fixed: Hidden pages were being excluded in workbook copies.
September 23, 2021
- You can now request access to documents by clicking the Request Access button on the Access Denied page. Document owners will be notified of access requests by email. Document owners can grant requested access using the Share modal.
- Admins can create custom themes and editors can apply them to any Workbook in the organization. You can now create workbooks that represent your brand identity.
- Creators can now add and edit workbook drill down controls, allowing their consumers to navigate pre-defined categories and paths. Only users with Can Edit document permissions are able to add controls and define drill paths.
- You now have the option to limit which plotted columns appear in visualizations’ tooltips.
Fixed: Workbook table element exporting was temporarily broken.
September 22, 2021
- You can now individually refresh data elements in your workbooks. This option is available from each individual element’s menu.
- Fixed: Line charts configured to display null values as 0s were continuing to display null.
- Fixed: In some cases, duplicated date values were appearing on line charts’ x-axes.
- Fixed: The “Show all table rows” PDF export option would stop working whenever an element was moved to a different page section.
- Pivot tables’ column totals will now stay switched on when the column is moved to a different placement.
September 15, 2021
- You can now define column hierarchy in pivot tables when two or more columns are plotted as VALUES. This can be done by placing the pivot table’s VALUE fields in relation to PIVOT ROWS and PIVOT COLUMNS.
- Trellis charts can now be formatted to share axes and color legends.
- List-based workbook controls now include an option to select all values.
- Fixed: Single value visualizations were treating number values added to their COMPARISON field as text. This prevented use of number-specific column actions, such as formatting numbers as a percent.
- Fixed: Workbook include and exclude filters were not properly handling numbers with greater than 19 digits.
- When viewing a connection, you can now click the Browse Connection button to manage the connection.
September 10, 2021
- A new function has been added to Sigma’s function index. MonthName returns the month name of the given date.
- A new function has been added to Sigma’s function index. BitAnd returns the bitwise AND of two integers.
- You no longer need to include “http://” prefixes on workbook element links.
September 7, 2021
- Workbooks now support page breaks for PDF exports. Adding page breaks between select sections can greatly improve the look of your exports without impacting your actual workbook page.
- Admins can now disable the Public Embeds feature option for an organization, allowing Admins greater control over publicly accessible data.
- Newly created range filters now default to include null values.
- We’ve made it easier to click links when editing workbook text elements. You can now click the link directly to open it rather than having to go through the link popup.
- In an effort to simplify and declutter workbook headers, we consolidated the info card, badging, and document favoriting into the header menu. This menu is accessible from the caret (▼) icon located to the right of the workbook title.
- Fixed: Some map visualizations were not displaying correctly on PDF exports.
August 31, 2021
- Fixed: Scheduled exports were sending draft versions of workbooks rather than the current published version. Scheduled exports should always match the workbook’s most recent published version.
August 30, 2021
- Fixed: Data labels were displayed incorrectly in some visualizations. Visualizations’ container sizes impacted the likelihood of encountering this bug.
August 27, 2021
- Workbook PDF exports now support the option to export up to 1,000 rows of any given table or pivot table. Table headers are shown on every PDF page containing the table data.
- Fixed: Top value filters (include/exclude) were not properly registering searched values.
- Fixed: Some workbook PDF exports included Sigma’s blue loading bars. Loading bars should only be visible when the workbook is loading live in Sigma.
August 25, 2021
- Workbook editors can now define visualization drill paths.
- Multiple column selection is now available for cells in workbook tables. This allows you to quickly filter your data based on cell value.
Hold down Shift, Cmd, or Shift-Cmd to click your way to multi-column selection. Because data is represented in columns, all selected cells must be in the same column. Right click on any of the selected cells to open the cell menu and filter on those values. - Workbook auto refresh options have been moved. They can now be accessed from the dropdown menu next to the refresh icon in the workbook header.
- Text element formatting options are now accessible in the workbook toolbar rather than in an independent element specific toolbar.
August 18, 2021
- Admins now have the option to initiate password reset for other organization members.
- Fixed: Emailed workbook exports that included inline visualizations were displaying the maximize visualization and ••• menu buttons.
August 17, 2021
- JavaScript event usage is available for application embedded workbooks.
- Sigma’s Query history modal has been updated to provide you with more insight into your queries’ runtime. We’ve broken runtime into three distinct parts: queue duration, warehouse runtime, and Sigma runtime.
- We’ve updated the list of quick-select format options available for date columns.
- Tooltips now appear for long column names listed in the workbook editor panel.
August 13, 2021
- Visible workbook controls can now be directly manipulated through the workbook’s URL. This functionality was previously only available for workbook embeds.
- Attention Admins – You can now grant non-admins permission to view your organization’s Usage Dashboards, using Sigma’s custom account type feature.
- Comments left on workbooks will now display the commenter’s email address if Sigma does not have their name. Learn more about comments.
August 12, 2021
- Fixed: Users with “Can Explore” permission on workbooks were unable to add or remove columns from pivot tables.
- Fixed: URLs displayed in workbook pivot tables were unresponsive when clicked.
August 9, 2021
- The SQL runner now offers parameter auto-complete suggestions for SQL-based data elements in workbooks. Parameter suggestions are limited to existing parameters in the parent workbook. Type {{ to view all available parameters. Learn more about parameters in SQL.
- Fixed: Columns on point-based maps were not auto-aggregated when added to the map’s color or size fields.
August 5, 2021
- Workbook combo charts now support tooltip marks.
- Organization-uploaded custom fonts are available in workbooks.
August 4, 2021
- We’ve added the option to swap workbook pivot table columns and rows with the click of a single button. See how.
August 2, 2021
- Conditionally formatted color scales applied to pivot table columns are now applied to column subtotals as well.
- Workbook table column menus can be used while the table is still loading.
July 28, 2021
- Control labels can be edited directly from the element displayed on the page canvas.
- Fixed: Ctrl (Cmd) keyboard shortcuts were not working on Windows. To check out Sigma’s available keyboard shortcuts, type Ctrl/Cmd + / on any Sigma page.
July 21, 2021
- An edit option is now available for broken SQL-based workbook elements. This allows you to edit your existing SQL if something goes wrong, rather than being forced to rewrite it.
July 19, 2021
- We’ve added a new function to our function index. ListAggDistrinct joins the distinct values in a column into a single value. Each window of values within a column will be combined into a single list of values.
July 14, 2021
- Workbook tables now display highlighting along the entire row of a selected column.
- Fixed: Usage of the format SQL option in the SQL Runner was breaking source parameter syntax.
July 13, 2021
- You can now add hyperlinks to columns in workbook tables.
- Hourly materialization schedules used to run exactly on the hour. Now when you define a schedule, you can specify the refresh minute mark (e.g. 12:15 or 12:30 instead of 12:00).
July 8, 2021
- Sigma’s dashboard commenting feature, which your team can use to communicate directly in Sigma, is now available in workbooks. Leave comments to provide additional context, request feedback, make suggestions, ask questions, and centralize communication.
July 7, 2021
- Auto-refresh scheduling is available for workbooks.
- A “Can Explore” permission type is now available on folders and workspaces.
- Workbook pivot table totals are now displayed by default. They can be disabled through the column’s header menu.
- The visualization axis Domain option, located under Axis formatting for bar, line, area, scatter, and combo charts in workbooks, has been renamed to Axis range.
July 1, 2021
- Shape format options are now available for workbook area charts and line charts.
- Workbook parameters based on custom SQL can now accept multiple selections if the Allow multiple selection configuration is switched on.
- The Admin Portal’s Account Types and People pages now display a license counter. The license counter shows the number of people in your organization assigned to each license type.
June 29, 2021
- Workbook pivot tables now support background colors.
- Data label percentage precision formatting is now available for workbook pie and donut charts.
- Conditional formatting is now available for workbook bar charts.
- Data label options have been added for workbook funnel charts.
- Tooltips can now be added to single value visualizations in workbooks.
June 21, 2021
- Significant improvements have been made to Sigma’s feature and folder permissions.
To learn more about granularly managing feature permissions, visit User Account Types.
To learn more about folder and workspace permissions, visit Managing Workspaces.
June 18, 2021
Workbook scatter plot charts now support data labels.
Workbook visualizations now support reference bands.
Workbook bar charts now support conditional formatting.
June 17, 2021
Fixed: Clicking an element’s ••• menu on an embedded workbook led to an unnecessary refresh and permissions error.
Fixed: Truncating dates by quarter did not work in line charts. Learn more about DateTrunc.
Fixed: Undefined columns were visible in workbook visualizations in focus view.
Fixed: Single value visualizations formatted as currency were displayed as giga rather than billions.
Fixed: Workbook range filters were disregarding the “Include Nulls” option under certain circumstances.
June 15, 2021
SQL source parameters are now available for workbooks.
Workbook visualizations now support multiple axis label font size options.
June 14, 2021
If you’re in a hurry:
- Conditional formatting is now available for single value visualizations in workbooks.
- Data bar conditional formatting is now available for pivot tables and tables in workbooks.
Tell me more:
Conditional formatting is now available for single value visualizations in workbooks. This includes the option to format based on a custom formula. To apply conditional formatting to a single value visualization, add a new rule under the COLOR section of the editor panel.
- Data bar formatting is now available for pivot tables and tables in workbooks. To add data bars to a selected element, (1) click the paint bucket icon in the workbook toolbar to open the format popup, (2) select the ELEMENT tab, (3) click Conditional Formatting, and (4) add a new rule from the editor panel.
June 11, 2021
If you’re in a hurry:
- We’ve added an option to toggle between three view modes in workbooks.
- Grid format options are now available for tables and pivot tables in workbooks.
- Workbooks now support input parameters for their dataset sources.
- Fixed: Viewers temporarily lost access to download PNGs from dashboards.
Tell me more:
We’ve added an option to toggle between view modes (editing, exploring and viewing) in workbooks. These modes align with workbooks’ three permission types, ‘Can Edit’, ‘Can Explore’, and ‘Can View’, and are a great way to preview what users with different permission types will be able to see and do in any given workbook. Your current view mode will always be listed in the workbook header. Users with ‘Can Edit’ access can switch between all three modes. Users with ‘Can Explore’ access can switch between exploring and viewing modes. And users with ‘Can View’ access are limited to viewing mode.
Grid format options are now available for tables and pivot tables in workbooks. These options include ‘Show row grid’, ‘Show column grid’, and ‘Show banded rows’.
Workbooks now support input parameters for their dataset sources. This feature allows you to input values into parameters on a parent dataset directly from your workbook. These values are only applied to the dataset for the current instance of your workbook and do not impact the underlying dataset itself. Input parameters are equivalent to source parameters in Sigma worksheets.
Fixed: Viewers temporarily lost access to download PNGs from dashboards.
June 9, 2021
If you’re in a hurry:
- SCIM-based centralized management of Sigma users and teams is now available through Azure!
- Additional format options are now available for workbook-based single value visualizations.
- Creators and explorers without “Can Edit” permission on a workbook will now see a “Save As” button directly in the workbook header.
- Fixed: Workbook control targets disappeared when unrelated fields were removed from the target element
Tell me more:
Attention Admins - Centralized management of users and teams is now available for Sigma organizations through Azure! This feature builds SCIM provisioning onto Sigma’s pre-existing Azure integration for Single Sign On (SSO) with SAML. If you choose to configure this integration enhancement, you will gain the ability to manage Sigma teams from Azure. Additionally, user and group updates in Azure will automatically be pushed to your Sigma organization. This is an improvement over SAML alone, which did not push user updates until the user logged into Sigma. Get started.
Additional format options are now available for workbook-based single value visualizations. These options include value formatting and comparison formatting.
Creators and explorers without “Can Edit” permission on a workbook will now see a “Save As” button in the workbook header. This option allows these users to save a new copy that they can edit.
Fixed: Workbook control targets disappeared when unrelated fields were removed from the target element.
June 7, 2021
If you’re in a hurry:
- Workbook pivot tables support collapsing and expanding grouped rows and columns.
- Workbooks support manual list parameters.
- Workbook visualizations support custom colors.
Tell me more:
Workbook pivot tables now support collapsing and expanding grouped rows and columns. A similar behavior is also available for tables. For you to see the expand collapse buttons on a pivot table, it must have at least two columns plotted under either PIVOT ROW or PIVOT COLUMN. Get started with workbook pivot tables.
Workbooks now support manual list parameters. Manual lists consist of author-defined values. They are completely custom, unlike value lists derived from a source column in the workbook's data. Get started with workbook controls.
Workbook visualizations now support custom colors. Use a visualization’s COLOR mark to define color. This is similar to the color field in worksheet visualizations. Get started with visualizations in workbooks.
June 4, 2021
If you’re in a hurry:
- A reset button has been added to workbooks for users with “Can View” or “Can Explore” access.
- Workbook maps now support the COLOR mark.
- We’ve added basic auto-highlighting between workbook visualizations with matching columns plotted on their axes.
Tell me more:
A reset button has been added to workbooks for users with “Can View” or “Can Explore” access. Clicking this button resets the workbook to its published state, erasing any exploratory interactions made by the user. The Reset button can be found in the top right corner of the page after one or more actions have been performed.
Workbook maps now support the COLOR mark. This is similar to the color field in worksheet maps. Get started with visualizations in workbooks.
- We’ve added basic auto-highlighting between workbook visualizations with matching columns plotted on their axes. When you click on a visualization to highlight a subset of your data, any corresponding visualizations will highlight the same subset. To qualify as “matching” the plotted columns must have identical formulas and reference the same data source.
June 1, 2021
- Workbooks have arrived!
- Workbooks support a new account type: Explorer.
- The Author account type has been renamed Creator.
Workbooks have arrived!
As Sigma’s newest document type, they harness and extend the power of worksheets and dashboards in one collaborative canvas. Workbooks’ visual approach to data interaction and collaborative interface supports both ad hoc data exploration and long term complex reporting, making live data accessible and intuitive for everyone in your organization. Learn more about the power of workbooks or hop right into our docs.
A new account type, Explorer, has been added to support data exploration in workbooks. Explorers have many of the same privileges as Authors, with a few limitations.
The Author account type has been renamed to Creator. This is a name change only; no permissions have been modified. Organization Admins – there is no need to make updates to any existing user configurations or settings in response to this change. Learn more about account types.