What's new in Sigma


Excel function alias support

When you enter an Excel function alias in the formula bar, the autocomplete dropdown suggests the corresponding Sigma function.

For example, when you enter Average (an Excel function alias), the dropdown suggests the Avg function.

Workbook elements

Custom number format specifiers

Custom number formatting supports the following specifiers to define precision and prefixes:

Specifier functionExample string and output 3
sFormat a fixed number of significant figures with an informal prefix 1.2s → 120B
SFormat a fixed number of decimal places with an informal prefix.2S → 123.46B
gFormat a fixed number of significant figures with an SI prefix 2.2g → 120G
GFormat a fixed number of decimal places with an SI prefix.2G → 123.46G

1 Informal prefixes include k (thousand), M (million), B (billion), T (trillion), etc.

2 SI prefixes include k (kilo), M (mega), G (giga), T (tera), etc.

3 The example demonstrates the output of the custom format string when applied to the value 123,455,000,000.

Bug fixes

  • In the workbook header, the version menu now displays the Tag this version and Tag this published version options as disabled (grayed out) when no tags are available.
  • Users can now consistently use the Set favorite setting in workbooks.
  • Workbooks no longer require a browser refresh to reflect deleted tags.