What's new in Sigma


New option for Swap workbook datasources endpoint

The Swap workbook datasources endpoint (POST /v2/workbooks/{workbookId}/swapSources) now includes the swapTables and paths options.

  • Set the swapTables option to true in your request to change all tables in the workbook to use the new connection.
  • Use the paths option to specify connection paths to map from the original connection to the new connection. For example, to swap a workbook connection from DB1.ExampleSchema to DB2.SampleSchema, use this option.

New query parameter for List workbooks endpoint

The List workbooks endpoint (GET /v2/workbooks) now includes the excludeTags query parameter. Set excludeTags to true to improve query performance in cases where you do not need version tag information in the response.

Workbook features

New option for Export to email workbook action

By default, the Export to email workbook action now runs as the user who performs the action instead of as the recipient of the email. You can optionally select to run as recipient instead.

See Create actions that download and export data for more details.