What's new in Sigma

Functions and calculations

Function index

Use the function index to browse our entire functions catalog or use Ctrl+f to search for a specific function—all in a single page.

Sigma supports over 200 functions that enable you to perform simple and complex calculations, transformations, and extractions to get the most out of your data. The function index lists these by category (Aggregate, Date, System, Window, etc.), provides a brief description of each, and links to the individual function pages.

Workbook elements

Row ID column in input tables

Add an input table column containing system-generated row IDs to expose unique identifiers that support data management and referential integrity.

For more information, see Add row ID.

Workbook features

Show or hide columns with names matching control values

Use the Modify element action to show or hide table columns with names that match selected control values.

For more information, see Show columns with names matching control values and Hide columns with names matching control values.